
An PHP Class That Contains Many Helpful Methods For General Needs.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

  • Title : Elite PHP Helpers

  • Dec : An PHP Class That Contains Many Helpful Methods For General Needs.

  • Author : Parviz-Turk

  • Email : Parviz@HackerMail.com - Parviz@Engineer.com

  • Web : http://Parviz.id.ir/

      Add_Image_WaterMark		=> $Image_Path, $WaterMark_Path, $New_Image_Path = '', $MRight = 0, $MBottom = 10
      Add_Text_Watermark		=> $img_Path, $wm_text
      Build_Indexed_File_Path	=> $Path, $FileName
      Build_Token 			=> $String, $build_salt = true
      Check_Len			=> $String, $min, $max
      Clear_Get_Vars 		=> $string, $remove_ls = False
      Correct_Iran_Phone		=> $uNumber
      Decode 			=> $String
      Delete_Cookie			=> $Cookie_Name
      Download_Remote_File 		=> $Remote_File, $Local_Path
      Encode 			=> $String
      Persian_To_English_Num	=> $Number
      Get_Date_Last_Days		=> $days, $format = 'Y-m-d'
      Get_Content 			=> $URL, $Using = 'CURL', $URL_Decode = True
      Get_Excerpt 			=> $Str, $startPos=0, $maxLength=100, $With_etc = true
      Get_JSON 			=> $URL, $Using = 'CURL', $In_Array = False, $URL_Decode = True
      Get_Remote_Image_Size		=> $URL
      Get_Shamsi_Date 		=> $MOD = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $Time2 = False, $Leading_zero = True
      Get_URL_FileName 		=> $URL
      Input_Check			=> $Title, $Val, $minL = 1, $maxL = 1, $Is_Num = False, $Is_Mail = False, $Is_Latin = False
      Is_Json			=> $String
      Is_Number 			=> $Input_String
      Is_Session_Started		=> Null
      Load_CSS 			=> $css_Path
      Load_File 			=> $file_Path, $show_message = true
      Load_JS 			=> $js_Path
      Miladi_To_Shamsi 		=> $gy, $gm, $gd, $mod='', $time2 = False, $leading_zero = False
      English_To_Persian_num	=> $Number
      Post_Redirect			=> $URL, $Data = []
      Post_Request			=> $URL, $Data, $Is_JSON = False, $Extra_HTTP_Headers = []
      Rand_Num			=> $Len
      Rand_Number			=> $min_num_count = 2, $max_num_count = 4, $min_len = 5, $max_len = 8
      Rand_Str			=> $Len
      Read_File_To_Array		=> $File_Path
      Redirect			=> $URL
      Remove_Char			=> $String, $char, $rem_with = ''
      Remove_All_Special_Chars 	=> $in_string, $protocols_2 = False
      Remove_Special_Chars		=> $in_string, $space_to = False
      Replace_Once			=> $Search, $Replace, $String
      Set_Cookie			=> $Cookie_Name, $Cookie_Value, $Cookie_Days = '30'
      Start_Session			=> Null
      Text_Has_String 		=> $Text, $String