
Configs i use to personalize gnome and mantain my arch install

Primary LanguagePython

Arch install with gnome

  • Configure pacman
    • In /etc/pacman.conf:
    • Color
    • ILoveCandy
  • Install bat, exa
    • Use alias and source .bashrc
  • Install oh-my-bash
    • In ~/.bashrc:
    • OSH_THEME="agnoster"
      • alias cat="bat"
      • alias ls="exa"
      • alias vim="nvim"
      • export EDITOR="vim"
      • neofetch
  • Install neovim
  • Install oh-my-tmux, alacritty, neofetch, cmatrix, cava
    • Copy /alacritty/alacritty.yaml to ~/.config/alacritty/
    • Copy /neofetch/config.conf to ~/.config/neofetch/
  • Catpuccin modded theme for user theme and legacy applications (configure in tweaks)
    • This themes allows to have the transparent topbar
    • Copy to /Catpuccin/ ~/.themes
  • Install a nerd font from aur (ComicShannsMono Nerd Font)
  • Install icons (papirus)
    • wget -qO- https://git.io/papirus-icon-theme-install | DESTDIR="$HOME/.icons" sh
    • Copy to ~/.icons
  • Wallpaper: Use variety to dynamically change wallpapers

Gnome extensions

  • Aylur's widgets
  • Blur my shell
  • Logo menu
  • Top bar organizer
  • User themes
  • Vitals
  • Space bar
  • App hider
  • Dash to dock
  • Rounded window corners

General recommendations

  • Install yay
    • git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git
    • makepkg -si
  • Refresh pacman mirrorlist
    • sudo pacman -S reflector
    • sudo systemctl enable reflector.timer
    • sudo systemctl start reflector.timer
  • Automatic cleaning the package cache
    • sudo pacman -S pacman-contrib
    • sudo systemctl enable paccache.timer
    • sudo systemctl start paccache.timer
  • Enable NTP (Network time protocol)
    • Configure /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf
    • Start and enable systemd-timesyncd
  • Enable periodic trim for the ssd
    • Check TRIM support
    • lsblk --discard
    • Start and enable fstrim.timer
  • Install ufw
    • Default settings are fine (deny incoming, allow outgoing connections)
  • Install windows fonts xd

Firefox CSS

  • In about:config
    • Change toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets to true
  • In about:profiles
    • Navigate to the default profile's root directory and copy the chrome directory
  • userContent.css to change the home page.
  • Wallpaper: Shooting Star


I need swap file
I need to start making backups
I need to start making shell scripts
LTS Kernel