
A API for your bukkit plugin to create guis in 45 seconds

Primary LanguageKotlin

Maven Central

With GuiAPI you can create Guis for your Bukkit/Spigot-Plugin in seconds while at the same time saving many lines of code

Important: GuiAPI is right now only interesting for Developers to use as an API. As a Server-Admin this Plugin is useless as it doesn't work without use in code. It could of course be used by other plugins you are using in which case it is necessary to run these Plugins.

I simply need the API because another Plugin uses it

Don't panic 😉. In this case it is pretty easy and you don't need to bother with all the other stuff written in this Readme. Simply navigate to CurseForge.com and download the Version of GuiAPI that corresponds to your Minecraft-Version.

Then take the downloaded .jar-file and put it into the plugins-folder of the server you are using.

And that's it. If you should still have problems because some part of the plugin requiring GuiAPI is not working, then this might be caused because the Plugin is using an older version of GuiAPI which is not compatible with the newest version. For this, you might want to look up which version is needed on the Website of the Developer or (when this isn't communicated anywhere) ask the developer directly. Otherwise you could of course also experiment with different versions. Generally there can be differences in usage between any version that changes the second or first version-number (for example from 1.1 to 1.2 or 1.x to 2.x)


There are different ways to implement this API into your Code so that you can use it's functionality properly.

Through .jar-File

For this implementation, you can download the GuiAPI at CurseForge.com. Just make sure, that you download the Version approved for the Minecraft-Version you are developing for.

Now, you only need to add a dependency to this .jar-file and everything should work without Problems (I can't tell you how to do this in detail since it is different for every IDE). Just don't forget that you also need the GuiAPI in your plugins-folder just like already described in the implementation for another plugin

Through Maven

The other way to implement GuiAPI into your own Plugin is through a Build Automation System like Maven. To implement GuiAPI from the main-branch (main versions), you need to write:


The [Version] must of course be replaced by the GuiAPI-Version you want to implement. The newest Version for the Main-Branch/Artifact is shown at the very top of this Readme-File.

Because io.github.parzivalexe is hosted on Maven-Central, you shouldn't need to specify any extra repository in your pom.xml.

As you can see it is important to write guiapi as the artifactId since we specifically want to use the GuiAPI Main-Branch/Versions. There are also other Artifacts like guiapi-mc1.8 which only represent a single Minecraft-Version (mostly one that was important enough to be kept as a Legacy-Version and can still get updates even when the API has moved to a newer version). If you simply want to develop for the new Minecraft-Versions guiapi is the right Artifact to use ;)

If you don't know how to start using the GuiAPI, it is actually pretty easy as pretty much every single extensive Wiki. Simply start with First Gui and then work yourself through all the chapters you are interested in.

There is of course also a possibility you simply need even more explanation or might even have found a problem in the Code. In this case you can of course use the Issue-Concil and create a new Issue which can then be seen by anybody to help you with our Problem. However, be aware that I unfortunately many more projects and do this only in my Free-Time so there might be periods where I can unfortunately not be as active as I would like to be.

