Create a Psuedo code for adding 2 numbers

  Enter the two numbers
  numbers to assing two variables(num1,num2)
  create the another variable total
  asing the total = num1+num2;
  print the total variable.

Recap Lesson on Functions

Types of Functions

  1. No Return Type No Parameters
     void Addition(){
       int Number1 = 10;
       int Number2 = 14;
       int Total = Number1 + Number2;
       printf("Total : %d", Total);
  2. With Return Type No Parameters
     int Addition(){
       int Number1 = 10;
       int Number2 = 14;
       int Total = Number1 + Number2;
       return Total;
  3. No Return Type With Parameters
     void Addition(int Number1, int Number2){
       int Total = Number1 + Number2;
       printf("Total : %d", Total);
  4. With Return Type With Parameters
     int Addition(int Number1, int Number2){
       int Total = Number1 + Number2;
       return Total;
     int Addition(int Number1, int Number2){
       return Number1 + Number2;

Practice Questions

Observe the following functions

int Addition(int num1, int num2){
  int total ;
  total=num1 + num2;
  return total;

void Display(int x){

void DisplayWithString(char abc[], int x){
  printf("%s : %d", abc, x);
  1. Using only the given functions Construct a program that will add 2 numbers. Use only the main function and use of printf() is not allowed.


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int main(void){
  DisplayWithString("Total is: %d", Addition(12, 12);
  return 0;
  1. Create a Function that will get a number as a user input using scanf and return it.


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int GetInt(void){
  int num;
  printf("\nEnter a Number: ");
  scanf("%d", &num);
  return num;
  1. No using the get in function and above functions, Get 2 numbers from the user and show the total by adding them together. You can only edit the main function and use of scanf and printf inside the main function is not allowed.


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int main(void){
  DisplayWithString("Total is", Addition(GetInt(), GetInt()));
  return 0;