The project we will be doing is based on the Chain of Custody form. This is a form which is a critical element to a forensic investigation as it provides a record/history of the evidence from the time it is found until the case is close.
This record shows integrity in the evidence and will help identify clearly responsible parties in any interaction with the chain.
The chain of custody keeps track of:
- Where the evidence was stored
- Who had access to the evidence and when
- What actions were done to the evidence
The block-chain we will be implementing must have the following commands
bchoc add -c case_id -i item_id [-i item_id ...]
bchoc checkout -i item_id
bchoc checkin -i item_id
bchoc log [-r] [-n num_entries] [-c case_id] [-i item_id]
bchoc remove -i item_id -y reason [-o owner]
bchoc init
bchoc verify
Details for more in-depth overview of what is supposed to happen can be found here.
Blocks will look like below
0x00 =========================
Previous SHA-1 Hash of the previous
or parent block (20 Bytes + 4 Alignment bytes)
0x18 =========================
Time stamp:
Unix time : 1549766702 (for the date 02/10/2019 @ 2:45am (UTC))
0x20 =========================
Case ID - UUID Stored as int
0x30 =========================
Evidince item ID 4 byte int
0x34 =========================
State: INITIAL (first block only), CHECKEDIN, CHECKEDOUT, DISPOSED, DESTROYED, or RELEASED + one padding byte
0x40 =========================
Data Length represented with 4 byte integer
0x44 =========================
Free form data text with byte length specified