
Clean up your following / followers on Twitter

Primary LanguageTypeScript


My Twitter account is very old and I'm trying re-active it. It also seemed to be infested with a lot of bots from ~2012. I started with 14k followers and 10k following. I wrote these scripts to decide who I could unfollow from these old accounts, and who I could force to unfollow me (block/unblock=unfollow) in an attempt to get more recently active people to see my content.


  • pnpm i
  • Copy .env.example as .env and add variables
  • Copy allowlist.example.json to allowlist.json and add more people to exclude from the unfollow command


Getting your current following and followers lists

  • pnpm run start
  • You will find a followers-YYYY-MM-DD.json and a following-YYYY-MM-DD.json in the cache folder.
  • It will report the difference compared to the last day you have in your cache, listing who you followed, unfollowed, and who followed, or unfollowed you


  • pnpm run unfollow will start the script
  • onAllowlist Users on the allowlist.json are skipped
  • isFollower Users who follow you are skipped
  • isUnderground Users who have more than a ratio of 1:2 followers to following & less than 10k followers are skipped
  • isPopular Users who have more than a ratio of 1:20 followers to following & more than 10k followers are skipped
  • isBot If a user follows more than 4k people (they are not actually engaging), or has less than 100 followers, or has a ratio less than 1:1

Force users to unfollow you

  • pnpm run beta:tweets gets the latest 100 tweets from everyone who follows you
  • pnpm run beta:blockBots blocks & unblocks everyone (forcing them to unfollow you) who hasn't tweeted in 5 years, has [less than 10 tweets & 10 followers & 10 following], has never tweeted, or has protected their tweets from being read