
esp8266, serial bus to mqtt for Paradox alarm systems

Primary LanguageC++


This project uses a wemos esp8266 to read events of the serial bus of any Paradox alarm system and send it to Mqtt

The TX from the alarm panel is connected directly to wemos RX, I used a voltage divider a 2.2KΩ and a 4.7kΩ resisters, seeing as paradox serial bus is 5Vdc.

Debug messages can be read through D8 TXD2 Pin on the wemos or if you prefer IO15.

The 37 byte message is broken down into a json message with "Event Group" and "Sub-group" and one more dummy attribute which is the zone/partition label.

See wiki for more info on Groups and sub groups

After flashing the wemos connect to its wifi, (PARADOXController_AP), go to page give it your wifi credentials and MQtt server address. Thats it

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