
Server Planner App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Server Planner Api These are solutions to the Backend Developer take home test for Trium Tech

Getting Started

The Live Application is deployed on heroku at https://trium-server.herokuapp.com/ or can be cloned from github.com.


Begin by cloning the repository, cd into the cloned repository and run the following:

npm install

This command installs all the necessary dependencies


Create a .env using the .env.example file as a guide, using your local environment variables

npm run dev

If all goes well, you should see something similar to this on the console:

Application started on http://localhost:<port>

API Architecture

The API is built for easy use and understanding. It includes the following:

  1. Endpoint to input, calculate and return the number of servers based on serverTypes and virtualMachines inputted.


EndPoint Functionality
POST /api/v1/calculate return number of servers

Now you can test the endpoints with a client e.g POSTMAN

List of commands available at the moment include:


Adds an entry into the database

/api/v1/calculate - adds a user to the database. The user information is sent within the Body of the request and it returns an of object that contains the HTTP status code and result which is the number of servers. Input format:

"serverType": {"CPU": 2, "RAM": 32, "HDD": 100},
"virtualMachines": [{"CPU": 1, "RAM": 16, "HDD": 10}, {"CPU": 1, "RAM": 16, "HDD": 10}, {"CPU": 2, "RAM": 32, "HDD": 100}]

Sample response on success

    "success": true,
    "statusCode": 201,
    "message": "Server count successfully calculated",
    "result": 2

Each input field is validated and would return a field specific error message if empty.

    "success": false,
    "statusCode": 400,
    "message": "Request Failed",
    "err": {
        "serverType": "serverType must be an object"

Integration tests

To test the endpoints, create a test database and run the following:

npm run test


To run the Application on docker. Input the following in your terminal

chmod +x ./start.sh

If all goes well, you should see something similar to this on the console:

Application started on http://localhost:5000


API is deployed on Heroku

Built With

  • Node.js - Javascript runtime
  • Express - Web application framework
  • Jest and Supertest - testing framework
