Compile and Run C (comrunc)

Description of the comrunc command:

As an ALX student, are you tired of having to compile your C programs everytime using this 'long command':

pasmac@ubuntumachine$: gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89 examplefile.c

then having to run it afterwards to see its result?

pasmac@ubuntumachine$: ./a.out


Installation of comrunc:

  1. Clone this repository:
     pasmac@ubuntumachine$: git clone
  2. CD into compile_and_run_c repository:
    pasmac@ubuntumachine$: cd compile_and_run_c
  3. Run the install script:
    pasmac@ubuntumachine$: sudo ./

Usage of comrunc command:

  1. Compile and run a single C file:

    pasmac@ubuntumachine$: comrunc example.c

    NOTE: If you do not specify a second argument, the output file will be "a.out" as usual.

  2. Compile and run multiple C files:

    pasmac@ubuntumachine$: comrunc "example1.c example2.c example3.c"

    NOTE: Use double quotes to hold together all C files you wish to compile.

  3. Compile and run a single C file BUT specify an output file:

    pasmac@ubuntumachine$: comrunc example.c outputfile
  4. Compile and run multiple C files BUT specify an output file:

    pasmac@ubuntumachine$: comrunc "example1.c example2.c example3.c" outputfile

    NOTE: The specified outputfile comes after the double quotes.

More on Usage of comrunc command:

The comrunc command detects when you pass in an outputfile argument or a stage switch flag argument (Preprocessing -E, Compilation -S, Assembly -c) or both and gives the result of the specified stage regardless of how the arguments are arranged.

pasmac@ubuntumachine$: comrunc "example1.c example2.c example3.c" outputfile -E


pasmac@ubuntumachine$: comrunc "example1.c example2.c example3.c" -E outputfile

The above commands will give same result which is the Preprocessing Stage output of the compiled files. Please NOTE, when using any of the stage switch flags, the program is not ran automatically after compilation.