
BeFunge 93 interpreter with grid visualisation, debugging tools and nyan cats animations

Primary LanguageJavaScript

BeFunge 93 Interpreter Readme

❓Why my commits often have no names and I'm not using branches❓
  • I often create with bursts many things at once
  • I don't plan things ahead, I just create things that seems good at that moment
  • Sometimes I have bad internet connection and it is troublesome to send commits
  • I'm coding alone so creating branches and describing commits is not useful for me

Table of Contents


Befunge 93 interpreter with visualization on grid, debugger and nyan cats pixel animations.
See live demo.




  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JS ES2018

Libraries and frameworks:



  • Interpretation of given code program
  • Visualisation of program in grid, stack and interactive console
  • Program controls (load, execute, run, step, stop)
  • Breakpoints that pause program execution
  • Information about language and exapmle programs
  • Table with instructions
  • Settings:
    • Speed
    • Pointer and breakpoint color
    • Grid lines visibility
  • Nyan cats animations:
    • Defualt nyan cat
    • Gameboy nyan cat
    • Rasta nyan cat
    • Christmas nyan cat
    • Mexican nyan cat
  • Multiple languages:
    • Polish
    • English


Room for improvements:

  • Instruction how to use the program
  • Unlimited program grid size
  • Editing program on the grid
  • Zooming grid in and out
  • Skipping over empty cells
  • Hilighting program path
  • Execution that is not blocking the webiste
  • Faster execution


Ways to run this program:

  1. Use the live demo
  2. Download this repo and run index.html file
  3. Download this repo and start live server (VSCode LiveServer Extension, Prepros preview etc.)

To edit this program:

  • Download this repo
  • Install Prepros
  • Add this project in Prepros
  • Start coding
