

This project used OpenCV with the implementation of the Basler camera in WPF format.
Reference was made to the Basler_WPF project using Emgu.CV to import WPF style.
It will additionally implement OpenCV functions that can utilize camera images.

Title Content
Platform Windows10(x64)
Development tool Visual Studio 2019
Framework .Net Framework 4.7.2
Target device acA3800-14uc

Getting Started

  1. Clone Github in your computer
  2. Install following Nuget Packages
  • OpenCvSharp4 (used version: v4.1.1.20191216)
  • OpenCvSharp4.runtime.win (used version: v4.1.1.20191216)
  • OpenCvSharp4.Windows(used version: v4.1.1.20191216)
  1. Install pylon 6.0.1 Camera Software Suite Windows
  • Add reference path: C:\Program Files\Basler\pylon 6\Development\include\
  1. Connect to Basler Camera to your computer and compile the project.