Please note that the following steps assume you have already installed and configured Nextcloud using Docker and docker-compose. . Here's a small example of how you can set it up . We will use this sample setup in our example After pre-installation, proceed to setup Go to folder
cd /etc/ansible/
Edit file hosts
sudo nano hosts # use any editor convenient for you (I will use nano in the future)
[nextcloud_server] # your group name
<your_server_name> # Client, Ubuntu, etc.
*Go to the folder and create a file there for our configuration. You can choose any name, but it will also need to be specified in the file * hosts and update.yml
cd /etc/ansible/group_vars
sudo nano nextcloud_server
ansible_host: <your_server_ip>
ansible_user: <server_user>
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: /path/to/.ssh/<your_ssh_key>
Check if the configuration is correct
ansible all -m ping
<your_server_name> | SUCCESS => {
"ansible_facts": {
"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong" # This answer tells us that everything is OK, we can continue. Otherwise check your ansible config
Let's go back and create our playbook
cd /etc/ansible
sudo nano update.yml
- name: Update Nextcloud
hosts: nextcloud_server
become: true
- name: Stoping docker compose
shell: |
docker compose down
chdir: /app/nextcloud
- name: Updating Nextcloud version in docker compose
path: /app/nextcloud/docker-compose.yml
regexp: '^(\s+image:\s*)"nextcloud:.*"'
line: '\g<1>"nextcloud:25.0-apache"'
backrefs: yes
- name: Recreate and restart Nextcloud
command: docker compose up -d
chdir: /app/nextcloud
- name: Restarting Nginx
become: true
name: nginx
state: restarted
Next, let's run our playbook, taking into account that docker compose is running and nextloud is configured and available for use
sudo ansible-playbook update.yml -i hosts
After the successful completion of Ansible, go to the browser (wait for some time until a full reboot) to your nextcloud and complete the installation