
create / delete empty dir

Primary LanguageShell

Script to create empty folders

1) Create a directory to perform the operation and go to it

sudo mkdir folder_script
cd folder_script/ 

2) We create a file with the extension “.sh” so that the shell understands that this will be a script

touch folder.sh

3) Add execute permissions for this file

sudo chmod +x folder.sh  

4) Edit the file and add the following

sudo nano folder.sh 



current_date=$(date +%Y.%m.%d)

for ((i=1;i<=$folders_count;i++)); do

  mkdir -p "$path_to_save/$folder_name"

echo "Script finished in $(date)" >> $path_to_save/script.log

5) Running a script


Executing a script via CRON

1) Command to edit cron schedule

crontab -e 

2) Adding a script to the end of the file that will be executed at 0 minutes , 1 hour, * - every day, * - every month, * - every day of the week.

0 1 * * * /bin/bash /home/ubuntu/folder_script/folder.sh 

3) Setting the timer to 3 minutes (optional)

(*/3 * * * * /bin/bash /home/ubuntu/folder_script/folder.sh ) 

4) View a list of added tasks

crontab -l

Adding a timer to systemd to execute a script, for example, once every 30 seconds.

1) creating and editing a timer configuration file

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/folder_script.timer 
Description=Folder Script Timer



2) creating and editing a timer configuration file

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/folder_script.service
Description=Folder Script Service 

ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/ubuntu/folder_script/folder.sh 


reloading systemd config files

sudo systemctl daemon-reload 

command to run in auto mode at system startup

sudo systemctl enable folder_script.timer

immediate start of the timer (one shot for example as a single launch)

sudo systemctl start folder_script.timer 

display logs of the script run

journalctl -u folder_script.service

a list of systemd timers as well as information about scheduled subsequent runs

systemctl list-timers 

Creating a script to delete empty folders in a specified directory and then running it through systemd

1) Create and change directory

mkdir del_script/
cd del_script/

2) Add the following content to our file

nano del.sh


find "$path_to_dir" -type d -empty -delete

echo "The script ran successfully $(date), the directory $path_to_dir cleared of empty folders" >>/home/ubuntu/del_script/del.log

3) Making our file executable

chmod +x del.sh

4) Editing del.timer and del.service files adding the following content

nano /etc/systemd/system/del.timer
Description=Delete Script Timer


nano /etc/systemd/system/del.service
Description=Delete Script Service

ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/ubuntu/del_script/del.sh


Turn on the del.timer timer to automatically run the script

systemctl enable del.timer