
A simple client and server side library to simplify handling rooms in socket.io.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A simple client and server side library to simplify handling rooms in socket.io.

Planned Features 🔭

  • Easily Join and Leave rooms.
  • Room restrictions (Limited Room sizes, passwords)
  • Broadcast messages within room
  • and more...


Server Setup

  1. Initialize socket.io server:
const { Server } = require("socket.io");
const io = new Server(/* Ensure the options here are set correct for socket.io work */);

View socket.io docs for socket.io server initialization.

  1. Provide Socket-Rooms with initialized socket.io instace:
const { SocketRoomsServer } = require('socket-rooms');

Client Setup

  1. Initialize socket.io:
import { io } from 'socket.io-client';
  1. Initialize socket-rooms:

ES Modules

import { SocketRoomsClient } from 'socket-rooms';

SocketRoomsClient.init(io()).then(() => {
  // Can now perform socket-rooms functions

<script> import

<script src="/socket-rooms/Client.js"></script>
SocketRoomsClient.init(io()).then(() => {
  // Can now perform socket-rooms functions

Server Methods

Usage: SocketRoomsServer.<methodName>()


Initializes Socket-Rooms for server

socket_IO_Instance object : a socket.io instance, see Server Setup part of this doc.

.createRoom(roomId, capacity)

Creates a room with a user provided ID.

roomId string : an ID for the room

capacity number: max capacity for the room (Needs Implementation Still)

Client Methods

Usage: SocketRoomsClient.<methodName>()


Initializes Socket-Rooms for client

socket_IO_Instance object: a socket.io instance, see Server Setup part of this doc.

.joinRoom(roomId, responseCallback)

Adds client to room. Returns a promise which resolves/rejects based on if client was able to join the room.

roomId string: ID for the room to join

responseCallback Function: a callback function that will execute where an event is sent to this room

.setResponse(roomId, responseCallback)

Add/Update callback for a specific room. Will only call if user has privously joined room

roomId string: ID for the room to join

responseCallback Function: a callback function that will execute where an event is sent to this room

.sendMessageToRoom(roomId, message)

Send a message to room

roomId string: ID of room to send message to

message any: the payload that should be sent to the room


Returns list of rooms client has joined.