
Example SwiftNIO project to demonstrate an issue with handlers

Primary LanguageSwift


This SwiftNIO project demonstrates an issue where we need to remove ByteToMessageHandler and add one back to the pipeline before any messages are send to next handlers in the pipeline.

To follow the original SwiftNIO based application somewhat closely, it first listens for incoming CONNECT requests, then adds an SNIHandler to the pipeline, and after receiving a TLS ClientHello adds a SSLServerHandler to the pipeline. There is a HelloHandler at the end of the pipeline that only sends back the string hello and then closes the connection.


  • Run this project.
  • It starts a proxy listener at
  • Connect to it using curl --proxy --insecure --verbose
  • Curl logging shows that HelloHandler sends us back the message hello.
  • Uncomment the alternate code in func addSSLServer(context: ChannelHandlerContext), run the Curl command again and notice that HelloHandler does not receive a request.