
This is a solution for the LeetCode problem that know as "Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock" problem. Problem includes searching through array to find a suitable day for to sell a stock.

Primary LanguagePython



This is a solution for the LeetCode problem known as "Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock" problem. The problem includes searching through array to find a suitable day to sell a stock.

Goal of the Project

My goal is to provide solutions for the problems in LeetCode using documentation and providing code. First, I will complete this project for the NeetCode's 75 LeetCode problems. The documentation of the problem generated using ChatGPT. But I reviewed it before publishing here.

maxProfit(self, prices: List[int]) -> int

This function is a method of the Solution class. It aims to find the maximum profit that can be obtained from a list of stock prices. The function takes a list of integers (prices) as input and returns an integer, which represents the maximum profit.


prices (List[int]): A list of integers representing the stock prices for different days. max_profit (int): An integer representing the maximum profit that can be obtained by buying and selling the stock at the right moments.


Initialize two pointers, l and r, with values 0 and 1, respectively. These pointers represent the left and right indices of a sliding window that will be used to find potential profit opportunities in the stock prices list. Initialize the max_profit variable to 0. This will store the maximum profit found so far. Start a while loop that runs until the right pointer r reaches the end of the prices list. Inside the loop, check if the stock price at index l (prices[l]) is less than the stock price at index r (prices[r]). If this condition is true, it indicates a potential profit opportunity. Calculate the profit as the difference between the stock prices at indices r and l (prices[r] - prices[l]). Update the max_profit to store the maximum value between the current max_profit and the calculated profit using the max function. If the stock price at index l is greater than or equal to the stock price at index r, there is no potential profit between these two indices. In this case, update l to the current r value. This effectively moves the left pointer to the right to start a new potential profit window. Increment the right pointer r to move the window to the right for the next iteration. Continue the loop until r reaches the end of the prices list. Once the loop ends, the max_profit variable will hold the maximum profit that can be obtained from the given list of stock prices. Return the value of max_profit as the output of the function.

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