
Just some small C# projects / exercises.

Primary LanguageC#

C# Infos and Exercises

by Pascal Schmiedjell


// static constructor- initializes static fields before object is created
static Test() {}

// calls another constructor overload of same class
public Test() : this() {}

// calls constructor of superclass, should be done in every child class
public Test() : base() {}

// destructor, called before object is garbagecollected
~Test() {}


// 1, can also be static
private string test;
public string Test
        test = value;
        return test;

// 2
public string Test { set; get; }


public class Test : TestSuper {}

public abstract class TestAb {}

public interface TestInt<T> {}
  • virtual - can be overwritten
  • abstract - must be overwritten
  • sealed class/method - same as final in Java


var sol = from a in coll
          group a by a.Something into x
          where a.Something
          orderby a.Something
          select new { a.Something, a.Something1 };
foreach (var nameGroup in queryLastNames)
    Console.WriteLine($"Key: {nameGroup.Key}");
    foreach (var student in nameGroup)
        Console.WriteLine($"\t{student.LastName}, {student.FirstName}");

foreach (IGrouping<char, Student> studentGroup in studentQuery2)
    // Explicit type for student could also be used here
    foreach (var student in studentGroup)
        Console.WriteLine($"{student.Last}, {student.First}");


var sol = 
 new XElement("Publishers",
  from p in SampleData.Publishers
  select new XElement("Publisher",
   new XAttribute("Name", p.Name), 
    from r in SampleData.Reviews
    where r.Movie.Publisher == p
    orderby r.Movie.Title
    select new XElement("Review",
     new XAttribute("Title", r.Movie.Title),
     new XAttribute("Review", r.Comments),
     new XAttribute("Rating", r.Rating))));

// load files
var xlin = XElement.Load(@"..\..\something.xml");

var sol = from e in xlin.XPathSelectElements("//Kunden")
          orderby e.Attribute("Country").Value
          select new { Country = e.Attribute("Country").Value,
                       Company = e.Attribute("Company").Value };

// XPath querying
var sol = from e in xlin.Descendants("Name")
          select new { Ename = e.Name.ToString(), e.Value };


Select the document node

Select the 'root' element

Select all 'member' elements that are direct children of the 'bands' element.

Select all 'member' elements that are descendants of 'root' element.

Select all 'member' elements regardless of their positions in the document.

Select the 'id' attributes of the 'member' elements regardless of their positions in the document.

Select all 'member' elements which include an 'id' element

Select first 'actor' element.

Select the textual value of first 'actor' element.

Select the last 'actor' element.

Select the first and second 'actor' elements using their position.
//actor[position() < 3]

Select all 'actor' elements that have an 'id' attribute.

Select the 'actor' element with the 'id' attribute value of '3'.

Select all 'actor' nodes with the 'id' attribute value lower or equal to '3'.

Select all 'actor' elements with the element 'movie' where the content is 'something'.
//actor[movie = "something"]

Select all 'price' elements with text content < 150.
//price[text() < 150]

Select all the children of the 'singers' node.

Select all the elements in the document.

Select all the 'actor' elements AND the 'singer' elements.

Select the name of the first element in the document.

Select the numeric value of the 'id' attribute of the first 'actor' element.

Select the string representation value of the 'id' attribute of the first 'actor' element.

Select the length of the first 'actor' element's textual value.

Select the local name of the first 'singer' element, i.e. without the namespace.

Select the number of 'singer' elements.

Select the sum of the 'id' attributes of the 'singer' elements.


// with a method
public int Compare(Student x, Student y)
    if(x == null) return y == null ? 0 : 1;
    return x.Name.Length.CompareTo(y?.Name.Length);

// with IComparable

public class Student : IComparable(Student) {}

public int CompareTo(Student st)
    return (this.Name.CompareTo(st?.Name));

// with IComparer
list.Sort(new MyComparer);

public class MyComparer : IComparer<Student>
    public int Compare(Student x, Student y)
        if(x == null) return y == null ? 0 : 1;
        return x.Name.Length.CompareTo(y?.Name.Length);

// with Comparison
static int CompareLength(string a, string b)
    // return result of CompareTo with length
    return a.Length.CompareTo(b.Length);

Comparison<string> comparison = new Comparison<string>(CompareLength);
Array.Sort(array, comparison);
list.Sort((x, y) => x.Name.Length.CompareTo(y?.Name.Length));

Own Collection

class MyColl<T> : List<T> where T:Student
    public void StudentList()
        foreach (var item in this)
            Console.Write($"{item} is called {item.Name}");

Collection performance

Collection Ordering Contiguous Storage Direct Access Lookup Efficiency Notes
Dictionary Unordered Yes Via Key Key: O(1); Value: O(n) Best for high performance lookups
List User controls Yes Via Index Index: O(1); Value: O(n); Bsearch: O(log n) Best for smaller lists where direct access required and no sorting
LinkedList User controls No No Value: O(1) Best for lists where inserting/deleting in middle is common and no direct access required

String output

"{" n ["," width] [":" format [precision]] "}"

  • width - field width (exceeded if too small)
    • positive = right-aligned
    • negative = left-aligned
  • format - formatting code
    • d, D - integer number with leading zeroes
      • precision = number of digits
      • xxxxx
    • f, F - fixed-point format
      • precision = number of fractional digits (default = 2)
      • xxxxx.xx
    • n, N - number format (with separator for thousands)
      • precision = number of fractional digits (default = 2)
      • xx,xxx.xx
    • e, E - floating-point format
      • precision = number of fractional digits
      • x.xxxE+xxx
    • c, C - currency format
      • precision = number of fractional digits (default = 2)
      • negative values are enclosed in brackets
      • $xx,xxx.xx
    • x, X - hexadecimal format
      • precision = number of hex digits (maybe leading 0)
      • xxx
    • g, G - general (most compact format for the given value; default)
  • precision - number of fractional digits (sometimes number of digits)

Integer Overflow check

x = checked(x * x); // OverflowException
	x = x * x; // OverflowException


Allows positional access to object

public string this[int index] { set; get; }