
Primary LanguagePython


Code for 'Mining Geospatial Relationships from Text' paper (SIGMOD 2023)

GTMiner is a link prediction framework to discover geospatial relationships between entities and construct a Knowledge Graph (KG). It relies on advanced text-analysis techniques and refinement procedures, in order to identify such relationships in absence of exact geometrical shapes for the involved entities.

Geospatial Knowledge Graphs

The following image (left) depicts a typical geospatial database. On the right, a geospatial KG links the entities from the database with fine-grained relationships.

Example of geospatial databaseExample of geospatial Knowledge Graph


The image below shows the proposed framework. GTMiner is composed of:

  • A Candidate Selection step, to reduce the combinatorial explosion caused by the total number of possible triples $(h, r, t)$ to be discovered;
  • A Link Prediction model to identify if a geospatial relationship exist between two entities (and which);
  • A Refinement module to increase the coverage and correctness of a geospatial KG.



  • Python 3.7.7
  • PyTorch 1.9
  • HuggingFace Transformers 4.9.2
  • wget 3.2

Install required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt


Knowledge Graph Completion data files are stored in /data/KGC

Triples are represented as follows:

<entity:head> \t <entity:tail> \t <relation:r>

Relations with corresponding ID are stored in config.py

AOI Search data files are stored in /data/Classification

Data points are represented as follows:

<entity:e> \t <label:{0,1}>


To train the GTMiner Link Prediction system, please use the following command:

python train_GTMiner.py \
  --city sin \
  --lm bert \
  --lr 3e-5 \
  --n_epochs 10 \
  --batch_size 32 \
  --max_len 128 \
  --device cuda \
  --finetuning \
  --do_extend \
  --do_repair \
  • --city: Specify which city's data you wish to use for training. Possible values are sin, tor, sea, mel.
  • --lm: Pre-trained language model. Possible values are bert, distilbert, roberta.
  • --lr: Learning rate.
  • --n_epochs: Number of epochs.
  • --batch_size: Batch size.
  • --max_len: Max length of the textual sequence in input to the language model.
  • --device: Device, can be: cpu or cuda.
  • --finetuning: Language models pre-trained weights can be fronzen. We strongly encourage to use finetuning, instead.
  • --do_extend: If this flag is set, the Refinement Extend will be applied.
  • --do_repair: If this flag is set, the Refinement Repair will be applied.
  • --save_model: If this flag is set, the best model on the validation set, will be saved (the path can be specified in config.py).

To train a Classifier for Area of Interest Search, please use the following command:

python train_AOI_Classifier.py \
  --city sin \
  --fe bert \
  --lr 3e-5 \
  --alpha 2.0 \
  --beta 1.0 \
  --n_epochs 10 \
  --batch_size 32 \
  --max_len 128 \
  --device cuda \
  • --city: Specify which city's data you wish to use for training. Possible values are sin, tor, sea, mel.
  • --fe: The Feature Extractor. Possible values are bert, lstm. (choosing lstm will trigger the download of GloVe embeddings)
  • --lr: Learning rate.
  • --alpha: The weight for positive class in the loss function.
  • --beta: The weight for negative class in the loss function.
  • --n_epochs: Number of epochs.
  • --batch_size: Batch size.
  • --max_len: Max length of the textual sequence in input to the language model (Suggested values are 32 for bert and 16 for lstm).
  • --device: Device, can be: cpu or cuda.
  • --save_model: If this flag is set, the best model on the validation set, will be saved (the path can be specified in config.py).

If you wish to use our code or any of our datasets for your research, please cite our paper

Citation Information

  author = {Balsebre, Pasquale and Yao, Dezhong and Cong, Gao and Huang, Weiming and Hai, Zhen},
  title = {Mining Geospatial Relationships from Text},
  year = {2023},
  issue_date = {May 2023},
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  volume = {1},
  number = {1},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3588947},
  doi = {10.1145/3588947},
  journal = {Proc. ACM Manag. Data},
  month = {may},
  articleno = {93},
  numpages = {26},