Any space separated phrase
Activator: <Enter-Tab>
The hierarchy root becomes heading/root-node.
Activator: <Enter>
Activator: <Enter>
Special kind of sibling with no leaf properties.
Compare siblings for same stuff. Append rest to individual points.
Activator: -
Activator: =>
Activator: ()
Activator: ->
Activator: create
Assume every variable exists. Create scoped variables.
Activator: such that
Child hierarchy runs for loop.
Activator: iterate
Activator: []
Activator: [X]
[ ]
Activator: ?
- Docs
- Art
- Math
- Algo
- cmd has only binary representations.
- pkg and internal are made imagining the following scenario:
MyBigProject ├── MySmallProjectX │ ├── pkg │ │ └── SharedPackageX │ └── internal │ └── InternalPackageX └── MySmallProjectY ├── pkg │ └── SharedPackageX └── internal └── InternalPackageY
- Internal is sharable with the current package only.
- Pkg is sharable across projects.
- Heavy confusion between package and modules.
- Packages are mostly main file and supplement files like a small CPP project.
- Modules are comprehensive and contextual libraries like a CPP project with a makefile or maybe a Rust project with cargo support.
- Modules are referred and much better explored if searched for VGO
- Don't commit vendor unless its integral to the project and expected to be discontinued. Basically its a licensing/archiving system (hence the name).
- Build the files using the command: go build ./...
- Run tests using command: go test ./...
- Currently the files aren't recognized as part of a module by go-tool, so must explicitly specify the files being used.