Everyday I come across hundreds of amazing articles, videos, podcasts, and images. We live in a world with an abundance of information, a limited amount of time, and an overwhelming desire to share all this. Online we all swim in different circles and are exposed to a wide range of articles. Most of the things I read/view/listen to/see/consume on a daily basis would be of little interest to many people, but occasionally something comes along that is worthy of wider sharing.

I have a Twitter account, and a Facebook profile, and a undernourished blog, but sharing these articles is suboptimal experience. Facebook is not conducive to frequent sharing (at least not socially acceptably). Twitter lacks the ability to add comments along with links (don’t get me wrong, I love the way 140 characters forces you to think about words, but it’s not always perfect). My blog, while it allows for both as frequent as desired updates (Twitter) and longer form comments (Facebook), it lacks any form of circulation. It’s only read when linked to from aforementioned social networks.

I also recognise that while I use Reddit daily, it’s a daunting experience for many and will never be used by most. Reddit is also focused on similar circles to me, or at least thats how I have my subscriptions set up. Reddit doesn’t allows for the cross-pollination of idea between online echo chambers.

So today I’m launching THE COLLECTION.

THE COLLECTION aims to be a weekly digest magazine. Each Sunday morning, Australian Eastern Standard Time, a new edition will be published. Not strictly containing articles published or found during the prior week, will heavily lean on these.

The first edition will contain articles older than the last week, and across time each edition will focus more and more on the current as we clear through the backlog of the articles I’ve been saving for the eventual release of this publication.

THE COLLECTION is a working project, a work-in-progress, as all projects should be. I plan to tweak the appearance, flow, and content with time. Right now it’s about as close to a minimal viable product as I could get it (I spent a little too long messing with the CSS). An experiment this most definitely is.

I’d love some feedback or article ideas. At this time I don’t have a feedback form setup, but you can email me feedback@patmurray.co or @_patmurray on Twitter.

Cheers, Pat