
Experimental abstract top-down shooter using SDL2 and C++.

Primary LanguageC++

Phraktal is an expiriment for fun

(Last updated 5/4/2017)

If anyone does manage to get this running, let me know how you found it! I know hardly anybody comes here, but if you do take the time to try this out then please take a few extra minutes and write to me.

Forgoing perhaps necessary optimizations in collision detection, I'm now primarily adding new gameplay mechanics to make it more of an actual game capable of producing fun.

As of now, this has been developed on exclusively on Linux (like that matter so much with SDL2). In the near future I intend to get SDL2 working on Windows as well.


As of writing the controls are:

  • WASD to move
  • Left Click to fire bullet
  • Right Click to teleport
  • X to clear all enemies
  • C to spawn a coin
  • 1 to clear player powerups
  • Shift + 1 to spawn a regular enemy
  • 2 to spawn a spread shot powerup
  • Shift + 2 to spawn a spread shot enemy
  • 3 to spawn a large shot powerup
  • Shift + 3 to spawn a large shot enemy