
Auto Union Scanner For MessagePack-CSharp

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Auto Union Scanner & Auto Key Generator For MessagePack-CSharp

Let you use more easy way to

1.  union messagepack object

2.  auto mark [Key(x)] to public or private

How To Use

Mark which abstract class or interface you want to union for (e.g.these class are in Project1 project range)

    //mark abstract class
    public abstract class CBase1
    //mark interface
    public interface IBase1

    // generic interface or abstract also support
    public interface IBase4<T>


AutoPolymorphicMessagePack use Fody Plugin to weave in automatically at compile time,I haven't publish nuget package yet, so you need add PolymorphicMessagePack.Fody into your project

For more details you can see in-solution-weaving

Then set your Project1 follow these steps:

  1. import Fody Nuget Package into Project1

    Don't worry about this package,it won't be your project reference when you compile Project1

  2. add an entry to the Project1.csproj file:

    <WeaverFiles Include="$(SolutionDir)PolymorphicMessagePack.Fody\bin\$(Configuration)\netstandard2.0\PolymorphicMessagePack.Fody.dll" 
     WeaverClassNames="MsgPackPolyWeaver" />
  1. Change the solution build order so the Project1 project is built after the fody projects consuming it.
  2. Compile Project1,Fody will generate FodyWeavers.xml into project when not found that file

then write config into FodyWeavers.xml:

<Weavers xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="FodyWeavers.xsd">
  <MsgPackPolyWeaver NameSpace='Project1NameSpaceWhichContainMsgPackMarkedClass'/>
  1. prepare your msgpack marked object into Project1:
    //if non generic type,you need do nothing,Fody will add mark and unique id attr into it
    public class Class1 : CBase1
        public long CT1 { get; set; }
    // if generic object,all actual generic types to be used must be declared
    public class Class2<T> : IBase4<T>
        public long CT2 { get; set; }
    //if you want to fixed union id manually,mark it,fody will ignore this type and avoid use fixed id to mark other types
    public class Class3 : CBase1
        public long CT1 { get; set; }
    //also work for generic type,but you must make sure type in [RequireUnionGeneric] is current generic type or fody will give complie error
    public class Class4<T> : IBase4<T>
        public long CT2 { get; set; }
  1. using and inject Project1 assembly into PolymorphicMessagePackSettings and use it
  var polySettings = new PolymorphicMessagePackSettings();
  //serialize fact instance
  var s1 = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(new Class1 { CT1 = 1 }, _options);
  //deserialize it to abstract
  var ds1 = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize<CBase1>(s1, _options);
  //serialize marked generic also allowed
   var s2 = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(new Class2<int> { CT2 = 2 }, _options);
  //deserialize it to generic interface
  var ds2 = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize<IBase4<int>>(s2, _options);

You can see more in PolyMsgPack.Test,MsgPackDefineForInject and use ILSpy to see how it works

If you want to enable auto Key generate ,set FodyWeavers.xml with AutoMsgPackKeyWeaver

<Weavers xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="FodyWeavers.xsd">
  <AutoMsgPackKeyWeaver NameSpace='MsgPackDefineForInject' MarkIgnoreToFieldForNonMsgPackBaseType='True' AlsoMarkPrivateField='False'/>

Auto Key generate will scan target assembly,find all mark [MessagePackObject] type,and get their base type relate tree,then follow config to add unique Key id ([Key(int x)]) as much as possible to every not manual marked fields/Props

NameSpace : which assembly to scan

AlsoMarkPrivateField : if set with true,then all private/internal field/prop will be select and try to add key

MarkIgnoreToFieldForNonMsgPackBaseType :if target type base type is not mark [MessagePackObject],then all of it's public(private/internal if AlsoMarkPrivateField enabled) will be mark [IgnoreMember]

AutoMsgPackKeyWeaver will do these step:

1. only scan mark with [MessagePackObject] or [DataContract] classes

2. will ignore all manual mark with [IgnoreMember] or [IgnoreDataMember] or [Key(string name)] or [DataContract] fields/props

3. will follow config, add key to target fields/props which not manual mark with [Key(int x)] or [DataContract(Order=int)]

4. will check every field/prop,if it has both [Key(int)] and [DataContract[Order=int]],will cause complie error

5. will check target class Accessibility,only public class can mark [MessageObject]

6. will check type and base type any fields/props key id conflict [e.g. B->A,both use [key(1)],will cause complie error]

also you can enable both

<Weavers xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="FodyWeavers.xsd">
  <AutoMsgPackKeyWeaver NameSpace='MsgPackDefineForInject' MarkIgnoreToFieldForNonMsgPackBaseType='True' AlsoMarkPrivateField='False'/>
  <AutoPolyMsgPackWeaver NameSpace='MsgPackDefineForInject' />


  1. This tool will automatic give each derivedType unique id to distinguish which type is when deserialize

    Also you can use [RequireUnion(1)](For non generic) or [RequireUnionGeneric(2,typeof(Class2<int>))](For generic) to manual fixed id

    it can Fixed target type match id and won't change id in diff version

  2. Fody plugin also will Check each fixed id,If the same Id is pointed to a different type, it will prevent compilation and indicate the specific conflict type

  3. If you want to use Fody.Test to see PolymorphicMessagePack.Fody works,make sure change MsgPackDefineForInject project property:
