
The code scripts in this repository are for general PatentsView users and serve a variety of purposes.

List of Resources:

Folder Description
01_bulk_download_example_joins Provides code examples for joining bulk download files
02_claims_examples Provides an example Jupyter Notebook demonstrating how to read claims data files in Python
03_bulk_download_read_in Provides code examples for reading in bulk download files using R and Python
04_bulk_pregrant_read_in Provides code examples for reading in bulk pregrant data download files using R and Python
05_bulk_pregrant_joins Provides code examples for merging two tables with a shared key using R and Python
06_mysql_text_load_in Provides code examples for reading bulk text data files into a user's own mysql database
07_Search_API_demo Provides an example Jupyter Notebook demonstrating how to request and read data from the PatentsView Search API (currently in beta) in Python