Pinned issues
- 4
Cluster jewels not loading when importing a character
#8537 opened by Ydoum - 1
Phercia League, the baron & rotting might not stacking minion strength to 100%
#8553 opened by gumos-report - 1
Herald of Ash negative damage
#8538 opened by piotr102k - 1
Modifier is uncapped `Gain Ward instead of #% of Armour and Evasion Rating from Equipped Body Armour`
#8545 opened by ProphetLamb - 2
"Curse enemies on hit" affix not working when "your spells are disabled" via Gruthkul's Pelt or Behemoth ascendancy
#8484 opened by Xeratas - 3
PoB Allows for multiple Aspects to be active at once but you can only ever activate one in-game
#8453 opened by halfacandan - 0
Sacrificial zeal is enabled by default (even without equipping Hand of the fervent)
#8541 opened by MarcoCap - 1
Wrong numbers for "T8 attack speed of daggers (15-25)" and the presence of a T9 with the correct stats (5-7)
#8532 opened by zoonecrophile - 1
Negative Impale DPS on Dual Strike of Ambidexterity
#8472 opened by GoodOldMalk - 1
POB is showing incorrect / not showing some of the delve mods when crafting rings
#8482 opened by ThirteenEra - 2
Wintertide brand from Replica Allelopathy no interaction with support gems
#8533 opened by oseparovic - 0
- 4
Corrupted Build
#8531 opened by ChaosAndCoffee - 1
POB Deleted by AV software as malware
#8529 opened by Temujin5150 - 1
- 5
Lua-utf8.dll Crash on Startup
#8512 opened by sclient - 3
- 2
Persist item hover window
#8513 opened by Endacy - 1
- 1
- 0
#8517 opened by meritumcom - 1
Periodic crashes
#8499 opened by Hellnolf - 7
Can't run application
#8470 opened by JakeResko - 1
Newest update of pob for legacy of phrecia doesn't allow old foribdden flame/flesh combos as they are no longer on the new tree
#8511 opened by polo2005x - 1
Newest Build breaks cluster jewels
#8510 opened by tubaboy26 - 0
Alternate (event) tree: cluster jewels with notable passives don't display, cannot have nodes allocated
#8503 opened by RJFelix - 7
Build inoperable if you disable all active skills with Tawhoa's Felling equipped.
#8478 opened by umn-anon - 2
Path of Building 2.52.0 failing to install
#8504 opened by xtmitchellx - 0
Incorrect EHP and maximum hit calculation when adding or removing %increased life
#8475 opened by fatherhet - 0
Wrong value for "used pool" on phys max hit calculation
#8488 opened by zlohner - 0
Encoding issue (sort of)
#8486 opened by 0Ne1efT - 0
- 0
"Import/Export Build" -> "Items and Skills" fails to import the influence on an item after upgrading to 2.5.0
#8498 opened by halfacandan - 2
Lightning Taken As Fire Damage (Tempered by War + Mahuxotl's Machination) Bad calc
#8497 opened by jcs021102 - 1
Contribution question
#8496 opened by jcs021102 - 2
Update the app version number in registry when the app is updating
#8451 opened by E2A4E789A3DCC7236FF998692ADE60E2 - 9
Update check causing an error. Unable to use the Update function as of 2.50.1 Beta release
#8479 opened by Ydoum - 1
Path of Building.exe is infected (according to norton).
#8491 opened by SaviolaPT - 4
VAAL Grace gem CALC error: Grace is not considered to be "enabled / included"
#8489 opened by abrey66 - 0
Find nodes good both for offence and defence
#8490 opened by chx - 3
Graphics display issue in 2.50 running under wine
#8485 opened by stredger - 3
POB1 2.50 Flatpak from seems to be missing utf-8 dependencies
#8474 opened by s1LenT0R - 1
Antivirus Issues
#8473 opened by Nightblade - 4
Volatile Dead Total Poison DPS issue
#8468 opened by fatherhet - 1
Harbinger/Polytheist simulation jewel issues
#8464 opened by blvcksvn - 1
runesmith node doesn't seem to increase damage taken by enemies even when 2 brands are attached.
#8467 opened by chengsta - 3
- 2
Paladin jewel probably not working correctly
#8462 opened by Barthel98 - 0
- 1
Accuracy mastery node, all perks show the same values
#8450 opened by braiam