
Widowhail does not work with BAMA Clones

Opened this issue · 0 comments

FWidm commented

Check version

  • I'm running the latest version of Path of Building and I've verified this by checking the changelog

Check for duplicates

  • I've checked for duplicate open and closed issues by using the search function of the issue tracker

How is Path of Building expected to behave?

When using widowhail the clones should get mulitplied stats from the quiver as well as the player.

How does Path of Building behave?

When equipping wiowhail only the player gets multiplied stats form the quiver, the clones do not get anything from it.

How to reproduce the issue

  1. equip any bama gem
  2. equip widowhail
  3. equip any quiver with flat damage
  4. make a white crude bow, swap it with widowhail
    => Only player stats change

Character build code


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