
Implementation of ORCA algorithm

Primary LanguageC++

Distributed Multi-agent Navigation Based on ORCA Algorithm

Map scheme

Implementation of distributed multi-agent navigation algorithm based on combination of reciprocal collision avoidance and individual path planner. There is an option that activate deadlock avoidance by locally confined multi-agent path finding (MAPF) solvers, that coordinate sub-groups of the agents that appear to be in a deadlock.

This is supplementary code for papers:

  1. S. Dergachev and K. Yakovlev, "Distributed Multi-Agent Navigation Based on Reciprocal Collision Avoidance and Locally Confined Multi-Agent Path Finding," in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2021), Lyon, France, 2021, pp. 1489-1494 [PDF]
  2. S. Dergachev, K. Yakovlev, and R. Prakapovich, “A Combination of Theta*, ORCA and Push and Rotate for Multi-agent Navigation,” in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Robotics (ICR 2020), 2020, pp. 55–66. [PDF]


Decentrilized Navigation

The algorithm is based on the idea of planning a global path for all agents independently and moving along this path with local collision avoidance. Theta* algorithm are using to global path planning and ORCA algorithm are using for local collision avoidance with agents and static obstacles. Also direct moving to goal without global planning is available.

Theta* is a version of A* algorithm for any-angle path planning on grids. Theta* mostly the same as A*, but, unlike A*, Theta* allows parent of current vertex may be any other vertex, which are visible from current [1].

The ORCA algorithm is a decentralized collision avoidance algorithm in a multi-agent environment. The main idea of the algorithm is iterative selection of new agent speed, close to a certain preferred velocity. Selection of the new speed is based on ORCA principle. Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance (ORCA) — the principle, which provides a sufficient condition for multiple robots to avoid collisions among one another, and thus can guarantee collision-free navigation [2]. The principle is based on the concept of velocity obstacles, which are used to search for a new speed of agent so that during the time t there is no collision with other agents. In the process of searching for a new velocity, algorithm creates a set of n-1 linear constraints(where n is the number of agents that the current one takes into account). A new velocity (Vnew) that satisfies these constraints and is close to the preferred velocity, are searched using an linear programming. The preferred velocity is selected so that the agent makes a move to the target point. More information about ORCA algorithm you can find at ORCA creators web page [3].

The agent is a disk of radius r centered at p with their start and global goal positions. For each neighboring agent (located at a distance R or less), their position and current speed are known. At the beginning of task execution every agent tries to find a path to their global goal, using Theta* algorithm. After getting of global path (which is a sequence of points in space, where the first point is the global goal), agent begin moving. First target point is the last element in path sequence. At each simulation step, for each agent, a new velocity Vnew are searched, using ORCA algorithm. After that global simulation time is changed to dt, the position of all agents is changed to dt * Vnew (own for each agent) and every agent compute new target point. If the agent has reached the last point in the sequence, then the next point in the sequence becomes the target, and the previous one is deleted. Otherwise, a visibility check is made between the agent’s position and the last point. If visibility is confirmed, then the last becomes the target point, otherwise the path from the agent's position to the last point is searched. High-level pseudocode of the suggested method is presented below


Deadlock Avoidance

In numerous scenarios, involving navigation through the tight passages or confined spaces, deadlocks are likely to occur due to the egoistic behaviour of the agents and as a result, the latter can not achieve their goal. To reach the goals the agents may to exhibit a form of coordination and some of them could to yield to the others.


So, it each time step, an agent gathers the information about the states of the agents that are within the communication/visibility range (neighbours). This data is used not only to choose the velocity but also to detect deadlocks. If a deadlock is detected (Picture (a) on figure above) an agent initiates switching to the MAPF mode.
As a result, certain agents enter this mode. These agents share the information about their states and
current goals (waypoints on the geometric paths that they want to reach) so each of them possess the same local world model. The latter is used to create a MAPF (Multi-Agent Pathfinding) instance and solve it (Picture (b) on figure above).
We emphasize that each agent operates individually in the MAPF mode and no central controller is introduced. However as the operations in this mode are deterministic and each agent knows the states and goals of other agents, the result of forming a MAPF instance and solving it is the same across all involved agents.
In our works we suggest using Push and Rotate [4] and ECBS [5] algorithms. Consequently, each agent obtains the same MAPF solution – a set of collision-free plans (Picture (c) on figure above). It then extracts its individual plan from this solution and follows it to resolve the deadlock. After all agents finish execution of their MAPF plans they switch back to normal mode, i.e.
continue moving to the next waypoint on their geometric path utilizing collision avoidance (Picture (d) on figure above). High-level pseudocode of the suggested method is presented below


Running the Implementation

Code is written in C++ and is meant to be cross-platform. Implementation relies only on C++14 standard and STL.

Open-source library to work with XML (tinyXML2) is included as git submodule (in external subdirectory).

Original implementation of MAPF algorithms you can find in GitHub repository [6]

To build and run the project you can use CMake, CMakeLists.txt file is available in the repo. Please note that the code relies on C++14 standard. Make sure that your compiler supports it. At the moment, the build and launch were tested only on Manjaro Linux using the GCC 13.1 C++ compiler.


Download current repository to your local machine. Use:

git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:PathPlanning/ORCA-algorithm.git

There are several options to build this project. Use the following commands to build:



cd ORCA-algorithm
mkdir build
cd build

where optins:

  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE — Standard CMake option that specifies the build type. For more information see [CMake Documentation]
    • Release uses to build with no debugging information.
    • Debug usually uses to enable debugging information, disable optimization
  • FULL_OUTPUT_FLAG — Enables/disables full output to stdout about reading xml files.
  • FULL_LOG_FLAG — Enables/disables logging to xml file agents state information
  • MAPF_LOG_FLAG — Enables/disables logging to xml files information about MAPF instances in coordinated mode


There are two options to test the algorithm: single test on one task and series of tasks. Use the following command to launch single test:

./single_test {file_name num}


  • file_name — name of the XML file, which contain task;
  • num — the number of agents with which tasks will run.

For example:

./single_test ../task_examples/empty_task.xml 10

Summary will be displayed after execution using standard output, full log (if such option in in CMake was chosen) will be saved in same directory as task file and will be named according to the following pattern:


For example:


Use the following command to launch series test:

./series_test {n_min n_step n_max n_tasks path}


  • n_min — the initial number of agents at which tasks will run;
  • n_step — step of changing the number of agents when restarting tasks;
  • n_max — the final number of agents at which tasks will run;
  • n_tasks — the number of tasks in series;
  • path — path to the folder, which contains task files;

For example:

./series_test 5 5 10 2 ../task_examples

To run the series tests and get a result you need to pass a correct input XML-file(s). The task files must be named according to the following pattern:


Moreover, the numbering of tasks should form a sequence of numbers from 0 to n_tasks-1. For example:


If the number of agents in the task is less than the required value, it will be started with the number of agents specified in the task.

Summary will be written after execution of each task in file path/result.txt, full log (if such option was chosen) will be saved at path and will be named according to the following pattern:


For example:


Input and Output files and Other Options

Input files

Input files are an XML files with a specific structure.
Input file should contain:

  • Mandatory tag <agents>. It describes the parameters of the agents.

    • number — mandatory attribute that define the number of agents;
    • type — attribute that define the type of agents. Possible values:
      • orca — running the algorithm in standard mode without avoiding deadlocks
      • orca-par — running the algorithm with avoiding deadlocks using Push and Rotate algorithm to create common coordinated plan. For more detains see out paper "A Combination of Theta*, ORCA and Push and Rotate for Multi-agent Navigation".
      • orca-par-ecbs — running the algorithm with avoiding deadlocks using combination of Push and Rotate and ECBS algorithms to create common coordinated plan. For more detains see out paper "Distributed Multi-Agent Navigation Based on Reciprocal Collision Avoidance and Locally Confined Multi-Agent Path Finding".
      • orca-return — experimental mode in which random agents return to their previous waypoints in case of deadlocks.
    • <default_parameters> — mandatory tags that defines default parameters of agents and agent's perception.
      • agentsmaxnum — mandatory attribute that defines a number of neighbors, that the agent takes into account;
      • movespeed — mandatory attribute that defines maximum speed of agent;
      • sightradius — mandatory attribute that defines the radius in which the agent takes neighbors into account;
      • size — mandatory attribute that defines size of the agent (radius of the agent);
      • timeboundary — mandatory attribute that defines the time within which the algorithm ensures collision avoidance with other agents;
      • timeboundaryobst — mandatory attribute that defines the time within which the algorithm ensures collision avoidance with static obstacles.
    • <agent> — mandatory tags that defines parameters of each agent.
      • id — mandatory attribute that defines the identifier of agent;
      • start.xr — mandatory attribute that defines the coordinate of start position on the x-axis (hereinafter, excluding map tag, points (x,y) are in coordinate system, which has an origin (0,0) in lower left corner. More about coordinate systems in the illustration below);
      • start.yr — mandatory attribute that defines the coordinate of start position on the y-axis;
      • goal.xr — mandatory attribute that defines the coordinate of finish position on the x-axis;
      • goal.yr — mandatory attribute that defines the coordinate of finish position on the y-axis;
      • agentsmaxnum — attribute that defines a number of neighbors, that the agent takes into account;
      • movespeed — attribute that defines maximum speed of agent;
      • sightradius — attribute that defines the radius in which the agent takes neighbors into account;
      • size — attribute that defines size of the agent (radius of the agent);
      • timeboundary — attribute that defines the time within which the algorithm ensures collision avoidance with other agents;
      • timeboundaryobst — attribute that define the time within which the algorithm ensures collision avoidance with static obstacles.
  • Mandatory tag <map>. It describes the environment for global path planning.

    • <height> and <width> — mandatory tags that define size of the map. Origin is in the upper left corner. (0,0) - is upper left, (width-1, height-1) is lower right (more about coordinate systems in the illustration below).
    • <cellsize> — optional tag that defines the size of one cell.
    • <grid> — mandatory tag that describes the square grid constituting the map. It consists of <row> tags. Each <row> contains a sequence of "0" and "1" separated by blanks. "0" stands for traversable cell, "1" — for untraversable (actually any other figure but "0" can be used instead of "1").
  • Mandatory tag <obstacles>. It describes static obstacles for collision avoidance.

    • number — mandatory attribute that defines the number of obstacles;
    • <obstacle> — mandatory tags which defines each static obstacles for collision avoidance.
      • <vertex> — mandatory tags which defines vertex of static obstacle for collision avoidance.
        • xr — mandatory attribute that defines the coordinate of vertex on the x-axis;
        • yr — mandatory attribute that defines the coordinate of vertex on the y-axis.
  • Mandatory tag <algorithm>. It describes the parameters of the algorithm.

    • <delta> — mandatory tag that defines the distance between the center of the agent and the finish, which is enough to reach the finish (ORCA parameter);
    • <timestep> — mandatory tag that defines the time step of simulation (ORCA parameter);
    • <searchtype> — tag that defines the type of planning. Possible values - "thetastar" (use Theta* for planning), "direct" (turn off global planning and always use direction to global goal). Default value is "thetastar" (global planning parameter);
    • <breakingties> — tag that defines the priority in OPEN list for nodes with equal f-values. Possible values - "0" (break ties in favor of the node with smaller g-value), "1" (break ties in favor of the node with greater g-value). Default value is "0" (Theta* parameter);
    • <cutcorners> — boolean tag that defines the possibility to make diagonal moves when one adjacent cell is untraversable. The tag is ignored if diagonal moves are not allowed. Default value is "false" (Theta* parameter);
    • <allowsqueeze> — boolean tag that defines the possibility to make diagonal moves when both adjacent cells are untraversable. The tag is ignored if cutting corners is not allowed. Default value is "false" (Theta* parameter);
    • <hweight> — defines the weight of the heuristic function. Should be real number greater or equal 1. Default value is "1" (Theta* parameter);
    • <trigger> — defines the switching to the coordinated mode trigger. Possible values:
      • speed-buffer — use average speed for deadlock detection. For more detains see out paper "Distributed Multi-Agent Navigation Based on Reciprocal Collision Avoidance and Locally Confined Multi-Agent Path Finding".
      • common-point — use information about movement to a common waypoint for deadlock detection. For more detains see out paper "A Combination of Theta*, ORCA and Push and Rotate for Multi-agent Navigation".
    • <mapfnum> — defines the minimum number of agents that should move towards a common waypoint (for common-point trigger)


Examples locates in directory task_examples.

Other Options

The implementation also contains a number of options that affect the operation of algorithms and experiments, but are not included in the input files (Sorry for that).

In include/const.h file:

  • COMMON_SPEED_BUFF_SIZE — the number of steps that are taken into account to calculate the average speed that is used as a criterion for stopping the execution of an instance.
  • MISSION_SMALL_SPEED — the value, when the average speed decreases below which the execution of the instance stops.
  • SPEED_BUFF_SIZE — the number of steps that are taken into account to calculate the average speed that is used as a criterion for deadlock detection (for speed-buffer trigger).
  • SMALL_SPEED — the value, when the average speed decreases below which the agent assume that deadlock is occurred (for speed-buffer trigger).
  • ECBS_SUBOUT_FACTOR — Sub-optimal factor for ECBS algorithm.

In src/experiments/single_test.cpp or src/experiments/series_test.cpp:

  • STEP_MAX — the maximum number of simulation steps.
  • STOP_BY_SPEED — enables/disables instance execution halting depending on the average speed of the agents.
  • IS_TIME_BOUNDED — enables/disables instance execution halting depending on the runtime.
  • TIME_MAX — the maximum runtime in ms.

Output files


Contains the main information about the execution of tasks in series test. There are 6 columns:

  • success_rate — shows the percent of agents, which succeed their tasks;
  • run_time — shows the time of running of task;
  • flow_time — shows the sum of steps of all agents;
  • makespan — shows the maximum value of steps of among all agents;
  • collisions — shows the number of collisions between agents while execution of task;
  • collisions_obs — shows the number of collisions between agents and static obstacles while execution of task;
  • init_count — shows the number of coordinated mode launches;
  • unite_count — shows the number of mergers of two coordinated groups;
  • update_count — shows the number of updates of the coordinated plan when one or more uncoordinated agents are added;
  • ecbs_count — shows the number of ECBS algorithm launches (only for orca-par-ecbs type);
  • par_count — shows the number of Push and Rotate algorithm launches (only for orca-par-ecbs type);
  • success_count — shows the number of successful coordinated mode launches;
  • unsuccess_count — shows the number of unsuccessful coordinated mode launches;
  • mapf_flowtime — shows the sum of steps of all agents in coordinated mode;
  • mapf_runtime — shows computational time of MAPF algorithms;

Full log

Contains the full information about the execution of each task. Includes same tags as input file, summary and information about steps of each agent.

Summary example:

<summary successrate="100" runtime="1.061" makespan="170.90001" flowtime="477.60001" collisions="0" collisionsobst="0"/>

Agent's path example:

<agent number="0">
    <path pathfound="true" steps="4">
        <step number="0" x="33.18066" y="9.1728058"/>
        <step number="1" x="33.36132" y="9.3456116"/>
        <step number="2" x="33.541981" y="9.5184174"/>
        <step number="3" x="33.722641" y="9.6912231"/>

Examples locates in directory task_examples.


  1. Daniel K. et al. Theta*: Any-angle path planning on grids // Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 2010. V. 39. P. 533-579.
  2. Van Den Berg J. et al. Reciprocal n-body collision avoidance // Robotics research. 2011. P. 3-19.
  3. ORCA creators webpage
  4. De Wilde B., Ter Mors A. W., Witteveen C. Push and Rotate: cooperative multi-agent path planning // Proceedings of the 2013 international conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. 2013. P. 87-94.
  5. Barer M. et al. Suboptimal variants of the conflict-based search algorithm for the multi-agent pathfinding problem // Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search. 2014. V. 5. N. 1. P. 19-27.
  6. ECBS and PUSH AND ROTATE implementation