
Framework API to handle the deck and cards, built in Go with Gin HttpServer

Primary LanguageGo

Decks Framework


Framework API to handle the deck and cards, built in Go with Gin HttpServer

Contributors: PathToLife


  • Fair Card shuffling using crypto/rand + Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm [oldwestaction]

Quick Start

Edit/Create .env file in the project root if needed, an example is below


To Run Server (defaults to port 3000, will also download dependencies and build)

go run .

To Run all tests

go test ./tests

To Build

go build

API Reference

Alternatively Postman Collection: docs/DecksFramework.postman_collection.json

Create Deck

POST http://localhost:3000/deck/create


  • shuffle=<true | false> shuffles the deck
  • cards=AS,2S comma separated list of cards

Example Return

  "deck_id": "5f2ffb68-ce1c-430a-9141-81caa9b3204c",
  "shuffled": false,
  "remaining": 52

Open Deck

GET http://localhost:3000/deck/open?uuid={{deck_id}}


  • uuid deck_id from POST /deck/create

Example Return

  "deck_id": "5f2ffb68-ce1c-430a-9141-81caa9b3204c",
  "shuffled": false,
  "remaining": 52,
  "cards": [
      "value": "ACE",
      "suit": "SPADES",
      "code": "AS"

Draw Card

POST http://localhost:3000/deck/draw?uuid={{deck_id}}&count=2


  • uuid deck_id from POST /deck/create
  • count number of cards to draw

Example Return

    "cards": [
            "value": "ACE",
            "suit": "SPADES",
            "code": "AS"
            "value": "2",
            "suit": "SPADES",
            "code": "2S"