
raspberry pi camera docker with nginx reverse proxy and ssl

Primary LanguagePython

PiCamera Docker

A dockerized python raspberry pi camera server with basic security in mind


  • Multiple clients can visit the stream
  • The camera auto stops if no one is viewing (5 sec)
  • Http basic auth
  • Nginx Reverse Proxy to handle SSL
  • SSL Only

Tested on

  • Raspberry Pi 4, Raspberry Pi OS 32bit, Docker-CE
  • Linux pi2 5.4.83-v7l+ #1379 SMP Mon Dec 14 13:11:54 GMT 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux

Project Valid Lifetime

roughly 2 months from last commit before it stops working, and needs some updating

Getting Started


  • Raspberry Pi OS 32bit (or 64 if the camera works on it)
  • raspistill -o test.jpg works
  • Docker installed
  • Docker compose installed
  • Stable local internet connection

SSL Certificate

To generate a self signed certificate, go look for updated openssl self signed certificate guides with subject alternate name support

I'm up late, so won't be including it here :P

After you have the certificate

Put the Certificate in


Put the Certificate Key in


Auth Password

create a /.env file in the same directory as docker-compose.yml (the root of this project)

Fill out .env with the below

PICAMERA_PASSWORD=whatever you want # default is admin


To start the application, run docker-compose up -d --build

Changing Domain

Default domain is https://camera.home to change domain, modify the config file in /nginx/camera.home.conf

You can also visit the site via ip https://X.X.X.X