
Create REST endpoints for Pathmind trained policies

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

pathmind policy server


Pathmind's policy serving solution. It leverages a open source technologies to quickly specify and run a lean web applications that serves one or several reinforcement learning policies.

How does it work?


The user needs to specify one schema.yaml file that describes how an observation looks like for their model. We call this input a schema. Once the schema is provided, FastAPI will generate a pydantic-validated, OpenAPI-compliant endpoint for any saved_model.zip model file that takes in observations as specified.

The main work horse is the backend application that you can start locally with uvicorn app:app. This will start a uvicorn server for FastAPI which is internally dispatched to a Ray serve handle for predictions.

We leverage Swagger UI to fully describe, validate and test this API. The following endpoints are exposed on port 8000 (unless stated otherwise):

  • /predict To receive model predictions (once the first three endpoints have been used).
  • /clients To download SDKs in several languages (currently Python, Java, Scala, R).
  • /docs Get swagger UI classic documentation of the endpoint.
  • /redoc Get redoc documentation for the endpoint.
  • /predict_deterministic Get the most likely output every time, only works for non-tuple and discrete actions.
  • /distribution Get the action likelihood distribution for non-tuple and discrete actions.
  • /metrics This endpoint exposes Prometheus metrics on port 8080.

The frontend application found at frontend.py is a streamlit application that's just there to demonstrate (very roughly) the application flow, i.e. how to use the backend, for integration in the Pathmind web app. One noteworthy feature is that the form data for observation inputs is generated on the fly as well (frontend for backend approach). We also visualize the action distribution for a given observation, by probing the API, which is another feature that should make it into the Pathmind app.

Lastly, we also auto-generate a CLI from generate.py using Google's fire library.


virtualenv venv && source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install

Also, make sure you have swagger-codegen installed on your system, following these instructions.

Check the Dockerfile and generate.py for details on how swagger-codegen is called from the code.

Run locally

To run the application, put a TensorFlow SavedModel file called saved_model.zip next to app.py. Unzip the saved_model.zip in to ./models'. In the same location (next to app.py) you need to provide a schema.yaml` file, which schematically looks as follows:

    type: int
    type: int
    type: int
    type: bool
    type: bool

  discrete: True
  tuple: False
  api_key: "1234567asdfgh"

In other words, you need to have parameters which tell the policy server whether we're dealing with discrete observations or tuples. Additionally, store the api_key in parameters for authentication.

You also need to provide a schema for your observations according to what your model expects. Note that the ordering of the values is of importance, it is used by the policy server to concatenate the incoming values accordingly. The observation names should correspond to observation selection names in the web app and the types are mandatory. Valid types correspond to basic numeric Python data types and Lists thereof, namely the following:

  • int
  • float
  • bool
  • List[int]
  • List[float]

For List you can also include the expected list length with:

  type: List[float]
  max_items: 5
  min_items: 5

Running without specifying observations in schema.yaml

If you don't specify the observations in the above schema.yaml, you can still run policy server, but with relatively limited functionality. The upside is that your schema.yaml is much easier to write, namely as follows:

  discrete: True
  tuple: False
  api_key: "1234567asdfgh"

With this configuration of the policy server, the user will only have access to one predictive endpoint, namely predict_raw/, which requires users to send a JSON with the following structure {"obs": []} where the list elements have to have precisely the right cardinality and ordering. In other words, this endpoint strips all validation that the other endpoints have, but is quicker to set up due to not having to specify the structure of observations.

Starting the app

Once you have both saved_model.zip and schema.yaml ready, you can start the policy server like this:

uvicorn app:app

To prepare one of the examples that come with this repo, you can e.g. use

python generate.py copy_server_files examples/lpoc

and then start the uvicorn application.

Run frontend (which starts the backend)

Alternatively, you can run a little streamlit frontend for demo purposes like so:

streamlit run frontend.py

will start the app on localhost:8501 for testing. The application should be self-explanatory. It leverages the lpoc example from the examples folder, but can be used with any other model. Once you hit the Start the server from schema button in the UI, you can also access the backend service directly at localhost:8080.


Build the image with

 docker build . -t policy_server

then run the container with

docker run --shm-size=16GB \
 -p 8000:8000 \
 -p 8080:8080 \
 -p 8256:8256 \

For a full production-like setup including all components outlined in the architectural diagram above, please make use of the docker-compose.yaml by running:

docker-compose up


Metrics get automatically exposed on the metrics port 8080 from Ray Serve and can be scraped from the /metrics endpoint, e.g. from a Prometheus instance. We've provided a minimal prometheus.yml in this repo as a minimal example to start a Prometheus instance locally, and e.g. feeding this data source into Grafana.

prometheus --config.file=./prometheus.yml

Testing Proxy behavior locally with Traefik

This is what I use for testing proxy behavior, but locally.

Set the url_path in your schema.yaml to be app/v1 (this matches what traefik will use from routes.toml)

run ./traefik --configFile=traefik.toml

and then separately start the app as usual: uvicorn app:app