
TeeWorlds Serverside Functionality Bot.This project is to build a bot that adds some functionality to the vanilla Teeworlds server, by analysing remote console output and reacting to it. Ported to Python 3.4, is kinda stable but use with caution. It might be exploitable.

Primary LanguagePython


TeeBot2 is a rewrite of my old TeeBot server monitoring bot.

Features I am planning to implement are:

+Killing spree messages (100% done)

+Shutdown messages (100% done) <--- will be rather quick to do though.

+Proper handling of playerlist (99.9% done)

+Support for more events (70% done)

+Support for protecting admin/mod nicks (0% done)

All percents are more or less fictional.


  1. Download all the .py files in same directory from the git (or simply git clone)
  2. Make file "config.py" and add there lines:
  • password = "myrconpassword"
  • hostname = "myserveripaddress or hostname"
  • port = 1337 (or what ever port you use)
  • banned_nicks = ["List", "Of", "Banned nick names"]
  1. Run your teeworlds server
  2. run python3 Bot.py

DISCLAIMER: Errors may occur, Your cat may be eaten, Your server might be compromised. Its not my fault, its yours.
