Week 1

This homework includes a REST API for a simple warehouse system.


There are 5 entities I used during the project. The short description ;

  • Uom :

    • Unit of Measurement; a quantity used as a standard of measurement.
    • In this project, UOM used to quantify the container items.
    • Box(BX), Carton(CTN), Piece(PC), Pack(PK)
  • Rotation :

    • Measure the number of times inventory is sold or used in a time period.
    • In this project, Rotation will be used to determine where containers should be placed in the warehouse.
    • Category A, Category B, Category C (CatA > Cat B > Cat C)
    • Cat A products should be placed easier places to reach which means Cat C products might be at the last position of warehouse
  • Location :

    • Locations are the places where containers can be located
    • rotationId defines the type of location to check rotation availability for containers
  • Product :

    • The product shows the list of materials produced in the facility.
    • Every product has a rotation which defines the cycle of product.
    • lifeTime might be used to check expiration date
    • isActive can be used to disable checking of that products
  • Containers :

    • Containers defines the products we have in our stock.
    • A container information should includes;
    • unit information (uomId)
    • quantity of unit (quantity)
    • product in container (productId)
    • where it is located (locationId)
    • weight information (weight)
    • and creationDate to calculate expiration date (expiration date = creationDate + lifeTime)

Data Generator

  • Database isn't used in this project.
  • So, I defined some accessible lists here.
  • It will allow us to access different entities when we need in controllers.

Key Points

  • Route Names are based on nouns and not verbs.
  • Defined all necessary HTTP Methods for all entities (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH)
  • HTTP status codes returned as it describes here
  • Required fields defined on Entities.
  • Created Model Binding both FromBody and FromQuery

Some examples ;

  • Listing some records
        //Get all containers by max weight ordered by weight
        //GET api/products/list?maxWeight=100
        public IActionResult GetContainersByMaxWeight([FromQuery] int maxWeight)

            var containers = ContainerList
                                    .Where(b => b.weight <= maxWeight)
                                    .OrderBy(b => b.weight)
            if (containers.Count == 0)
                return NotFound("There is no container lighter than the value entered!");

            return Ok(containers); //http 200
  • Defining required fields
public class Product
		public int productId { get; set; }

		public string productCode { get; set; }

		public string description { get; set; }
		public int rotationId { get; set; }

		public bool isActive { get; set; }

		public int lifeTime { get; set; }

  • Returning right http status codes
	public IActionResult CreateUom([FromBody] Uom newUom)
				if (newUom is null) //if the user not send any data, we will return bad request
				return BadRequest("No data entered!");

			//check if we already have this uomCode in our list
			var uom = UomList.SingleOrDefault(b => b.uomCode == newUom.uomCode);

			if (uom is not null)
				return BadRequest("You already have this uomCode in your list!");

			return Created("~api/uoms", newUom); //http 201 


Microsoft RESTful web API design