
Altmetric Programming Exercise

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Altmetric Programming Exercise

In the resources directory, you'll find three data files:

  • journals.csv: a list of journal titles and ISSNs;
  • articles.csv: a list of article DOIs [0], titles and ISSNs;
  • authors.json: a list of author names and their article DOIs.

We want to combine these data and output a single text file in one of two different formats:

  • CSV with columns of DOI, Article title, Author name, Journal title and Journal ISSN, e.g.

    10.1234/altmetric0,Small Wooden Chair,Amari Lubowitz,"Shanahan, Green and Ziemann",1337-8688
  • JSON as an array of objects with fields for DOI, title, author, journal and ISSN, e.g.

    { "doi": "10.1234/altmetric0", "title": "Small Wooden Chair", "author": "Amari Lubowitz", "journal": "Shanahan, Green and Ziemann", "issn": "1337-8688" }

Note that ISSNs should always be formatted as two groups of four digits separated by a hyphen, e.g. 1234-5678, but might be missing the hyphen in the source data.

We'd like you to create a Ruby program that can take these three files and produce the new formats by running it like so (assuming the program is called combine.rb):

$ ruby combine.rb --format json journals.csv articles.csv authors.json > full_articles.json
$ ruby combine.rb --format csv journals.csv articles.csv authors.json > full_articles.csv

[0]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_object_identifier


$ ruby combine.rb journals.csv articles.csv authors.json > full_articles.json
$ ruby combine.rb --format json journals.csv articles.csv authors.json > full_articles.json
$ ruby combine.rb --format csv journals.csv articles.csv authors.json > full_articles.csv


  • I assumed we want to enrich the articles provided by articles.csv with the author name and the journal title and we don't want to ouput journal or author data that is not related to any article.
  • Only one author per doi. It is easy to change if we need to support multiple authors (using an array and joining them in the representation).

Future improvements (out of scope)

  • Create classes for each entity, ex: Article class that has the responsibility of updating an Article.
  • Create a factory pattern desing for the parsers and for the representers.

Running the tests

  • spec/presenter_spec.rb serves as integration test for the complete project, all other files have their own unit tests.

Installing dependencies (only the first time):


For running the entire test suite:

bundle exec rspec spec

Missing tests

  • There are missing tests for the parsers (out of time).
  • Would be good to create tests for the CLI (ruby combine.rb command)

Installing Ruby


There's an installer, it's easy. http://rubyinstaller.org/


Newer macs ship with a usable version of Ruby.

Try ruby -v in a terminal window, and if it's 2.x you're fine.

http://www.railstutorial.org/book/beginning#sec-install_ruby http://tutorials.jumpstartlab.com/topics/environment/environment.html http://docs.railsbridge.org/installfest/macintosh


Ubuntu: http://docs.railsbridge.org/installfest/linux https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/installation/