
Primary LanguageTypeScript


[x] - Instalar styled-components / styled-media-query [] - Configurar Prettier [] - Configurar ESlint [] - Configurar testes


[] - Mobile first; [] - Adicionar novas tarefas; [] - Marcar tarefa como concluido; [] - Deletar tarefas da lista; [] - Filtrar por tarefas: todas/ativas/completas; [] - Deletar todas tarefas completas; [] - Switch entre temas; [] - Feature de drag and drop para organizar as tarefas;

Front-end Style Guide


The designs were created to the following widths:

  • Mobile: 375px
  • Desktop: 1440px



  • Bright Blue: hsl(220, 98%, 61%)
  • Check Background: linear-gradient hsl(192, 100%, 67%) to hsl(280, 87%, 65%)


Light Theme

  • Very Light Gray: hsl(0, 0%, 98%)
  • Very Light Grayish Blue: hsl(236, 33%, 92%)
  • Light Grayish Blue: hsl(233, 11%, 84%)
  • Dark Grayish Blue: hsl(236, 9%, 61%)
  • Very Dark Grayish Blue: hsl(235, 19%, 35%)

Dark Theme

  • Very Dark Blue: hsl(235, 21%, 11%)
  • Very Dark Desaturated Blue: hsl(235, 24%, 19%)
  • Light Grayish Blue: hsl(234, 39%, 85%)
  • Light Grayish Blue (hover): hsl(236, 33%, 92%)
  • Dark Grayish Blue: hsl(234, 11%, 52%)
  • Very Dark Grayish Blue: hsl(233, 14%, 35%)
  • Very Dark Grayish Blue: hsl(237, 14%, 26%)


Body Copy

  • Font size: 18px
