Patrick Ehimen | Blockchain Engineer

  • I am a blockchain engineer with experience developing decentralized applications and smart contracts on EVM compartible3 blockchains. I have a strong understanding of blockchain and distributed systems which provides a solid foundation for designing complex blockchain architectures.
  • I'm proficient in JavaScript, Solidity, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Node.js, ethers.js, Subgraphs, leveraging these skills to rapidly prototype and implement frontend dApps and web3 interfaces.
  • Currently learning and delving into Solana and the Skarknet Ecosystem.
  • Contact me for any work or questions about blockchain development and solidity smart contracts.

Connect with me:

0xose_eth patrickehimen


HTML CSS JavaScript figma Solidity Rust Bootstrap TailwindCSS ReactJS redux Hardhat Foundry Ethers chartjs git graphql The Graph NodeJS Alchemy IPFS typescript postman


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