
This is a rest application to manage the organization of events such as seminars, lectures, and what have you. The application is a collection of APIs that has been published via postman and deployed on Heroku.

Primary LanguageJava

Conference Organizer App (V 1.0.0) - A REST Application


This is a rest application to manage the organization of events such as seminars, lectures, and what have you. The application is a collection of APIs that has been pusblished via postman and deployed on Heroku.

The application was built using Springboot a Java Framework and a dockerised Postgres for persistence of data. It is currently in development and updates would be made when I have spare time.

As of now the available services inlclude:

  • CRUD for Speaker
  • CRUD for Sessions

To check the latest version visit https://confag-api.herokuapp.com/

Published API Documentation

Confag App APIs

  • In the environment section, select confagAPP : you can use the heroku host url to make api calls if you are not running the project locally
  • In the Language section, select your preferred/implementation language/http framework to embed insisde your code

Deployed API on Heroku


Project Setup


Postgres running inside a docker container

  • Docker Postgres Setup

Create Docker Container with Postgres Database

docker create --name postgres-demo -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=***** -p 5432:5432 postgres:11.5-alpine

Start Container

docker start postgres-demo

Stop Container

docker stop postgres-demo

Connection Info: JDBC URL: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/conference_app`

Username: postgres

Password: *****

Note: This stores the data inside the container - when you delete the container, the data is deleted as well.

Connect to PSQL prompt from docker:

docker exec -it postgres-demo psql -U postgres

Application Database Setup

Create the Database:

psql> create database conference_app;

NB: be inside the directory where we have the sql scripts

Setup the Tables:

psql -d conference_app -f create_tables.sql

Install the Data:

psql -d conference_app -f insert_data.sql

Note: The if you are using Docker, the last two steps can be done like so:

Setup the Tables:

docker cp create_tables.sql postgres-demo:/create_tables.sql docker exec -it postgres-demo psql -d conference_app -f create_tables.sql -U postgres

Install the Data:

docker cp insert_data.sql postgres-demo:/insert_data.sql docker exec -it postgres-demo psql -d conference_app -f insert_data.sql -U postgres