
Command Line Tool

Primary LanguageGo


This project is the seed for CircleCI's new command-line application.

Getting Started

1. Get the latest binary

Download the latest release from GitHub for your operating system. If you're on a Mac, this would be circleci-cli_0.1.XXX_darwin_amd64.tar.gz.

2. Put the binary in your $PATH

$ tar -xvzf circleci-cli_0.1.XXX_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
$ mv circleci /usr/local/bin
$ circleci help

3. Add a Token

You may first need to generate a CircleCI API Token from the Personal API Token tab.

$ circleci configure

If you are using this tool on .com. accept the provided default CircleCI API End Point. If you are using it on Server, change the value to your Server address (i.e. circleci.my-org.com).

Validate A Build Config

To ensure that the tool is installed, you can use it to validate a build config file.

$ circleci config validate
Config file at .circleci/config.yml is valid