- 2
ParserError: Expected ';' but got ','
#33 opened by Benedicity948 - 2
Simple Ether to USD Converter Quetion
#31 opened by guangzhichen - 3
Error: File import callback not supported
#28 opened by Ashutsoh1729 - 4
- 1
01-Deploy-fundme error
#27 opened by colonelxy - 0
01-deploy-fund-me error
#26 opened by colonelxy - 2
Payable in withdraw function.
#21 opened by yyc13236 - 2
#12 opened by czilauto0r1 - 0
- 1
need help
#18 opened by Aayush0406 - 0
NFT enquiry
#13 opened by yongzhi97 - 3
Gas estimation error
#9 opened by Maakai123 - 1
call to FundMe.getConversionRate errored: VM error: revert. I am stuck in this part I tried both injected Web3 and the VM but I can't call the function get price
#10 opened by ChadiZarkal - 2
cant use injected web 3
#8 opened by Maakai123 - 1
- 1
Error with fundme.sol
#6 opened by kchain18 - 3
Error with Price Converter.sol
#5 opened by ShippingWars - 5
Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do you want to force sending? execution reverted
#2 opened by mubashirhussainkhadim