SmartCon 2022 Scavenger Hunt

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  • There are 20 contracts with a “mintNft” or “mint_nft” function, find out how to mint each of the 20 NFTs
  • Minting multiple NFTs from the same contract doesn’t get you extra points
  • Contracts are unaudited, so if there is something that would prevent others from minting an NFT, let Patrick know
  • No cheating allowed. Cheating is loosely defined. It can be anything from DDOSing competitors, attempting denial of service smart contract attacks, physically attacking other computers, etc. Patrick’s discretion.
  • In order for your scores to count, you need to register your team on the registration contract
  • There is a score function on the registration contract, that’s how you can know your score
  • You are allowed to look at other people’s transactions



Register your team address (the addresses that will hold the NFTs) and a team name. This is how you will be scored.