A fork of http://code.google.com/p/test-analytics/
Apache License 2.0 (as specified at http://code.google.com/p/test-analytics/)
download KVM image of AppScale-ready VM http://download.appscale.com/apps/AppScale%201.13.0%20KVM%20Image
tar xvzf appscale-1.13.0-kvm.tar.gz
and go enjoy a cup of tea/coffee- do not bother using your pc for anything else while this is running (YMMV, depends on how bad your IO scheduler is)
import the .img file as a new VM in virt-manager or whatever, at least 3gb ram recommended
start the VM
login as
with passwordappscale
appscale init cluster
modify cluster config file
vi AppScalefile
change the IPs in ips_layout to the VM IP
to make your life easier, consider adding these lines:
admin_user: root@localho.st admin_pass: 123456
appscale up
, enter admin e-mail and password (eg. root@localho.st and 123456) when/if prompted -
you should now have an appscale cluster up and running
git clone https://github.com/saironiq/test-analytics.git
cd test-analytics/testanalytics_frontend && mvn gae:unpack && mvn gae:run
+ another cup of your favorite hot drink -
press ^C after the dev servers starts up (no maven target to build the package o.O)
mv target/{test-analytics-1.0-SNAPSHOT,war}
to make appscale happy -
cd && appscale deploy test-analytics/testanalytics_frontend/target/
and enter some e-mail address again (no idea what it's good for) -
after the app starts up successfully
appscale relocate test-analytics 80 443
to make the app available on standard ports -
profit! (or not, continue reading below)
- appscale 1.14.0 does NOT work, so do not bother trying... (at least the KVM image)
- hangs at waiting for dashboard app to come up or smth like that
- cluster does not autostart after reboot BY DESIGN - you have to manually log into the head node and do
appscale down && appscale up
(cause apparently something is running o.O)- irc convo log with some relevant info: http://meetbot.eucalyptus.com/channel-logs/freenode/%23appscale/%23appscale.2013-06-24.log
- app and its data SHOULD persist across reboots (fingers crossed)
- you need to manually relocate the app AGAIN if you changed the ports it should be listening on (dafuq?! >.<)
- SSL certs are different after each cluster start-up (minor issue compared to the ones listed above *grumblegrumble*)
TL;DR: appscale sucks
Ubuntu is an ancient african word, meaning 'I can't configure Debian.'
~ definition of Ubuntu from urbandictionary.com
- out-of-date python (2.7 required for appscale, 2.6 in rhel6)
- requires external repositories/specfiles for multiple packages (eg. rabbitmq, cassandra, zookeeper)
- incompatible version of monit in repos, had to be built from source
- almost every package has a version different from the corresponding ubuntu pkg - possibly incompatible versions
- various smaller "bugs" not present in ubuntu like missing files and directories during cluster start-up (possibly due to failing python scripts)
- rake unit tests for appscale failing due to outdated python
- when attempting to start appscale cluster anyway, the appcontroller can't run/reach the cassandra db (it should start it automatically but doesn't and even when it's started manually nothing happens)
- all the cluster core services are getting killed wihout being started again (nginx, memcached, monit, ...)
- the whole thing just doesn't work -.-"
- missing erlang, mock, django, ejabberd, rabbitmq, python-pip, etc...
- incompatible ruby (1.8 required, has 2.0) - dependencies fail to build ("rcov" gem)
- this is a serious problem as the whole appcontroller server is written in ruby