I never did get to uploading my code from the old framework I was using, I've been using it for a long time now and making small additions and edits here and there, I'll be working towards cleaning some of it and throwing it up on here as soon as I can... This entire README will be edited when I get to that.
CoreCSS is a minimal front-end web framework, built entirely in CSS with love by Patrick Griffiths, there is no CSS pre-processing and the source is well commented. This framework was developed as a lightweight alternative to the larger frameworks out there, with the intent for 'you' the user to be able to be free to rapidly develop full websites and mockups with the ability to swap in and out any JS frameworks and or libraries that you see fit or just build on top of the CSS as you see fit.
###Version: v0.4.0
####CSS Features:
- Responsive Grid system
- Base Mockup Classes
- Navigation (soon to be responsive)
- Navbars & Menus
- Sidebars
- Pagination
- Breadcrumbs
- App bar Menus
- Typography (Will be improved soon)
- Buttons
- Dviders
- Tables
- Forms
- Labels & Tags
- Image Helper Classes
- Section Style Classes
- Helper Classes
- Animation Classes (not yet added)
- Colour Classes (for rapid mockup and testing on the fly)
- Background Images (tileable for mockups)
Non CSS Features:
- Well commented
- Easy To Extend
- Commented Example Files
- Documentation (being worked on)
- Functioning Templates (out of the box; Being worked on)
I'm not sure this next one would count as a feature, but this framework has a passionate and devoted developer who is always learnig new things and always looking for ways to improve his works.
All you need to be able to use this framework is a simple understanding of HTML & CSS. Once you know the basics and have an IDE then you'll be good to go with using the Core-Framework.
I would recommend using Adobe Brackets. (http://brackets.io)
I've split the grid from the main CSS file so that you can use any grd system that you like if you don't quite like the one I've developped here.
######To include the grid:
<link href="css/core-grid.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
######To include the Core css file:
<link href="css/core.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
####Getting Started
This information is being worked on and will be uploaded to Github with enough documentation to get someone started with using the framework, and then more information will be hosted on the main CoreCSS webpage once I get around to creating it with 'this' framework...
For the time being this repo is mostly to backup and protect the framework from any kind of accidental deletion. Once ready this ReadMe will most definitely be update with links and information on how to use!
Thank you for your patience and feel free to contact me at any time... COntact info is commented into the CSS files.
####Browser Support:
I need to review a few things before disclosing this information (:)) However it is safe to assume that Firefox and Chrome will be 100% supported...
####Contributions Feel free to contact me regarding any contributions, if you feel you know how to do something more efficiently than I have, then please do get in touch, I know there is already room for improvement and I will be working on those changes as I go. All fork/pull requests are welcome :)
- Full-Proof the Typography. (across all devices, resolutions & platforms)
- Fine Tune Grid Systems Responsiveness on mobile devices from desktop resolutions.
- Create a minimal responsive JS system for the navigation elements. (in Native JS)
- Create better documentation.
- Clean up CSS format.
- Develop more examples.
- Further optimise where possible.
- More to come...
Future Desired Implementations include: A 14 col grid and a 16 col grid option.
####Note: There will now be a very minimal amount of JavaScript used within CoreCSS, it's solely for the responsive menues and navigational elements, and will be developped with 100% native JS, so no requirement to depend on Jquery and or any other library/framework, so the original intent and goal behind the ramework is still intact. You will be able to strip this out if you wish to use Jquery or any other framework for your sites JS related features.