
AngularJS Digest Authentication Interceptor

Primary LanguageApacheConfMIT LicenseMIT

AngularJS Digest Authentication Interceptor


  1. Client request (no authentication)
  2. Server responds with a 401 'Unauthorized' message, with realm and nonce in the X-WWW-Authenticate or WWW-Authenticate header
  3. Client checks if username and password are already provided, if not it redirects to /login
  4. Interceptor received the 401 response and generates authrozation header, based on realm, nonce, uri, algorithm, opaque, username/password stored in the LocalStorage
  5. Interceptor generates the original request with authorization headers and stores the hashed authrozation in the LocalStorage
  6. Server responds with 200 'Success' if the credentials are correct. Otherwise the interceptor clears the LocalStorage and redirects to /login.


  • Allow for custom authentication headers
  • Allow for configuration of default username and password (interesting for automatic API authentication)
  • Create callback for unsuccessfull authentication ($location.path('/login'), $state.go('login'), etc.)
  • Implement "auth-int"
  • Fix/Clean up URI handling
  • Include dependencies automatically somehow


Install this into your project by doing:

  • Installation with bower install angular-digest-interceptor

After the installation you have to include the modules in your app.

var app = angular.module('myApp', [

App config:




Login controller:

		.controller('LoginFormCtrl', function ($scope, $http, localStorageService) {
			$scope.submit = function () {
				localStorageService.add('username', $scope.username);
				localStorageService.add('password', $scope.password);

				$http.post('', {
					headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
				}).then(function (response) {
					console.log('success', response);
				}, function (response) {
					console.log('error', response);


		passport.use(new DigestStrategy({
				qop: 'auth',
				realm: 'users@mydomain.com',
				usernameField: 'email',
			function (username, done) {
				users.findOneAndUpdate(username, function (err, user) {
					if (err) { return done(err); }
					if (!user) {
						return done(null, false);
					} else {
						return done(null, user, user.password);
			function (params, done) {
				process.nextTick(function () {
					return done(null, true);


http://www.sitepoint.com/understanding-http-digest-access-authentication/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digest_access_authentication#Alternative_authentication_protocols http://codingsmackdown.tv/blog/2013/01/02/using-response-interceptors-to-show-and-hide-a-loading-widget/ https://github.com/phpmasterdotcom/UnderstandingHTTPDigest/blob/master/client.php


Thanks to Jared Hanson (@jaredhanson) for PassportJS and the passport-http authentication strategy and to Greg Pipe (@grevory) for the AngularJS LocalStorage Service. Also thanks to PatrickJS for Angular MD5.


The MIT License

Copyright (c) 2013 Patrick Heneise (@patrickheneise) <http://patrickheneise.com/>