
Release .exe executable script

Opened this issue · 2 comments

It has come to my attention that some people attempting to use this repo are foreign to using Javascript or Github.

Some people don't care too much about the code. They just want to download this amazing script and use it to see if their SSN was leaked.

They might not understand why there's code, but would appreciate if a .EXE file was made and was simply handed to them. The dedicated maintainer might expect everyone to be developers that understands code or github. Well, some are not and they don't understand it. They only know to download and install applications. So what's the solution? Make an EXE file and give it to them. Again, thanks to the dedicated maintainer!

I'm wondering why you have the same writing style as this post?

i would suggest using electron for this purpose. the best course of action here would be to submit a pr doing so