
Qwik Experiments for Runtime Components

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Example of Runtime Components

building on top of the original PoC https://github.com/PatrickJS/qwik-dynamic-cmp to get runtime components workflow in Qwik


runtime config to fetch component

useContextProvider(RuntimeContext, {
  origin: "http://localhost:4173",

<RuntimeComponent name="ComponentA"/>
<RuntimeComponent name="ComponentB"/>


example of all the components and @remote type

import { ComponentA } from "@remote/AppComponents";

<ComponentA text="remote import type">
  <div>HELLO inside componentA</div>

this component needs the contents downloaded from /remote-components/ using the plugin /host-app/plugins/remote.mjs


this server will return container components based on some config in remote-container-components/src/entry.ssr.tsx Here is the list of components
