Scenario-Based Evolvability Evaluation of Service- and Microservice-Based Systems

A tool to support the scenario-based evolvability evaluation of service- and microservice-based systems

CI Status:

Actions Status

SonarQube Status for API Component:

Quality Gate Status SonarQube Maintainability Rating Lines of Code

SonarQube Status for Frontend Component:

Quality Gate Status SonarQube Maintainability Rating Lines of Code

Domain Model

For more information on the scenario-based method and its evaluation, see the _docs folder. To illustrate the method, an example system with scenarios is also part of the tool. The tool consists of three main components, namely a RESTful API implemented with Node.js (see api folder), a MongoDB for data persistence, and a web-based frontend for end-user access implemented with Vue.js (see frontend folder).

Quick Start Guide

  • Download and install Node.js
  • Download and install MongoDB, then start it on port 27017
  • Start the API
    • Navigate into the api directory and install dependencies via npm install
    • Start the API via npm start
  • Start the web frontend
    • Navigate into the frontend directory and install dependencies via npm install
    • Start the frontend via npm start
  • API will be available at http://localhost:3000
  • Swagger UI will be available at http://localhost:3000/api-docs
  • Your browser will open the frontend at http://localhost:8000 and you can start using the application

Docker Quick Start Guide

For more details, please refer to our Docker README.