
Process was killed when trying to merge large Fasta files

Opened this issue · 9 comments

ypoh1 commented


The script worked really well when I merged up to 255 loci from 196 species. However, I was having issue when the taxa number increased to 996, and the error message showed the process was killed due to out of memory. I've run this process on cluster and assigned 256G of memory. Is there any way to fix it? Thanks!

ypoh1 commented

Thanks for pointing me to the right direction. Indeed, I had inconsistent names in my input files. The problem is solved now!

Hi @PatrickKueck,

I run into the same error with my data set. I'm trying to concatenate 1400 gene alignments of a few hundred bp and ca. 150 samples. My sample names are consistent over all files. Any idea what might cause the issue?


Hi Patrick,

I tried again a few times increasing the computing resources but stopped trying at 352 GB RAM and 64 cores since it's still not working. I will think of something else for now but looking forward to an update once you have time to work on FCC!
