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  • draft init if you haven't done it already
  • az acr login --name ...
  • draft config set registry _.azurecr.io
  • Make sure the right kubernetes context is configured

Create a database on Azure

TODO OSBA integration with helm/draft

  1. Manually create the SQL Azure DB
  2. kubectl -n live create service externalname recipedb --external-name <dbname>.database.windows.net service "recipedb" created
  3. Verify with kubectl get svc -n live
NAME              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP                   PORT(S)        AGE
recipe-csharp     LoadBalancer                  80:30483/TCP   4d
recipedb          ExternalName   <none>        ogfgdb.database.windows.net   <none>         17s
shorturl-csharp   LoadBalancer                 80:32381/TCP   12d
  1. TODO Create secret reference: https://anthonychu.ca/post/aspnet-core-appsettings-secrets-kubernetes/

Steps to deploy to test

draft up - will deploy to default namespace, no external IP draft connect - proxy to it

Steps to deploy to live

draft up -e live - will deploy to live namespace, external IP


Shorturl TODOs

Recipe TODOs

Deployment TODOs