
Small javascript frontend to tikz-cd

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


The package tikzcd is an amazing set of macros and styles to leverage the power of tikz/pgf to produce commutative diagrams for LaTeX documents. Although this is arguably the most efficient way to type such diagrams today, it is still tiresome to put all nodes at their correct place in the node matrix, and to type the correct combination of moves r/l/u/d for each arrow on the first try.

This small javascript app aims to remedy this, and allows to very quickly type simple diagrams or get the skeleton of complicated ones. It relies the awesome VueJS framework to do all the data-binding work and bootstrap3 to make the interface look nice.

tikzcdedit screenshot


You can directly use the online version.

If you want to host this app, put all three files tikzcdedit.* in the same directory and open tikzcdedit.html in a modern web browser, either from a local disk or through a web server.

If you want to be able to use this tool without an internet connection then, in addition to the aforementioned three files, you need to download bootstrap3 and VueJS and replace the external links in tikzcdedit.html with links pointing towards your local copy.


Left-click on a dot and type some TeX (without enclosing $ or \(/\)) to turn it into an object of your commutative diagram. Control-left-click another node to create an arrow between these nodes. Type an arrow label, choose an arrow type and swap label if needed.

When done, copy and paste the produced TeX code into your TeX file.