
A software based tool for merchant to maintain relationship with their clients.

Primary LanguageJava


Relationship and interaction between a business and their customers is getting harder to manage as time goes on (due to poor guidance and management).


solution is Customify

We are providing a system to ease the tracking,interaction and management of customers by businesses so as to maintain High Performance. Having customer information such as past purchases and interaction history easily accessible can help customer support representatives. Access to customer data can help businesses identify trends about their customers.

Get started

clone repository

git clone https://github.com/PatrickNiyogitare28/customify

branches products,rewarding,reporting and billing have been created for you use your branches carefully

git checkout origin <your branch>

before going to sleep commit your changes

git add .
git commit -m "simple message on what you did"
git pull origin main
git push origin <your branch>

Note Please don't commit to the main branch

Doc backend

The database we are using is hosted on the cloud you don't have even to know its name What you will rather do is to just to call a static variable statement from Db class and connect it

To access database in the shell run

mysql -h bfdc6au0tcay6gxeuohp-mysql.services.clever-cloud.com -P 3306 -u uqq6c1ewt1hkbzwd -p bfdc6au0tcay6gxeuohp

The password is


Then Run

USE bfdc6au0tcay6gxeuohp;

You are already there!



email: superadmin@gmail.com
password: 123

Dashboard Options
1. Business Management
2. Profile management


email: sam@gmail.com 
password: 123

Dashboard Options
1. Employee Management
2. Customer Management
3. Report Management
4. Profile settings


email: sandberg@gmail.com
password: 123

Dashboard Options
1. Customer Management
2. Transactions Management
3. Profile settings


  1. Project SRS Document
  2. GitHub repository
  3. See branches created for you
  4. Trello Khanban board

Happy coding!