
Task tickets and progress monitoring challenge

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Backend Service: Spring Boot

The backend service is a Spring Boot application, which is a popular framework for building Java-based applications. It provides a robust platform for developing RESTful APIs and web services. Here's a breakdown of the key components and functionalities:

Technology Stack:

  • Spring Boot: The core framework for building Java applications with ease, providing out-of-the-box configurations.
  • Spring MVC (Model-View-Controller): For implementing the web layer of the application, handling HTTP requests and responses.
  • Spring Data JPA (Java Persistence API): Simplifies data access layer by providing repositories and reducing boilerplate code for database interactions.
  • Spring Security: For authentication and authorization, securing the backend endpoints.
  • Embedded Tomcat Server: Spring Boot applications are typically packaged with an embedded Tomcat server, eliminating the need for deploying a separate application server.


  • RESTful API: The backend service exposes RESTful endpoints for communication with the frontend. These endpoints handle various HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for CRUD operations and other functionalities.
  • Database Interaction: Utilizing Spring Data JPA, the backend interacts with a database (such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or H2) to perform data persistence operations.
  • Business Logic: Contains the core logic of the application, including data validation, processing, and any custom business rules.
  • Security: Implements authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure the endpoints and data.
  • Middleware Integration: Integrates with other services or middleware components if required, such as message brokers (like RabbitMQ or Apache Kafka) or caching solutions (like Redis).


  • Port 5000: The backend service is configured to run on port 5000. This port is where the service listens for incoming HTTP requests.
  • Spring Boot Configuration: Configuration files (application.properties or application.yml) are used to set up database connections, server port, logging, and other application-specific properties.

Frontend: React - NextJs

The frontend of the application is built using React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React provides a component-based architecture for creating dynamic and interactive web applications. Here's an overview of the frontend setup:

Technology Stack:

  • React: The core library for building user interfaces. React allows developers to create reusable UI components and manage component state efficiently.
  • React Router: For client-side routing, enabling navigation between different views or pages without full page reloads.
  • Axios or Fetch API: Used for making HTTP requests to the backend API endpoints, fetching data, and updating the UI accordingly.
  • State Management: May use Redux, Context API, or other state management libraries for managing application state, especially for larger applications with complex data flows.


  • Component-Based UI: The frontend is structured into reusable components, each responsible for rendering a specific part of the user interface.
  • Routing: Utilizes React Router for defining and handling routes within the application, enabling navigation between different pages.
  • HTTP Requests: Communicates with the backend service via HTTP requests, typically using Axios or Fetch API to fetch data or send updates to the server.
  • State Management: Manages client-side application state, ensuring data consistency and facilitating interactions between components.
  • Event Handling: Responds to user interactions (e.g., clicks, input changes) and triggers appropriate actions or updates in the UI.


  • Port 3000: The frontend application is served on port 3000. This is the default port used by create-react-app, a popular tool for bootstrapping React applications.
  • Environment Configuration: Configuration files (such as .env files) may be used to specify environment-specific variables, API endpoints, or other settings.

This setup allows for the seamless interaction between the frontend and backend components, with the backend service exposing APIs on port 5000, which are consumed by the React frontend running on port 3000.