
FoodEx: Connecting Eaters and Feeders

The issue that our team has chosen to address is Food Waste under the themes Climate Action and Sustainable Cities. We have identified food waste in the form of leftovers as our problem statement.

In order to address this, we will develop a pilot website aimed at the NTU student and food vendor population. It will allow store vendors and users to list leftovers with images of the food item, details on expiry dates and allergen details. Interested users will then be able to proceed on site and collect the food item, thus reducing food waste. In addition, an endorsement system in the form of a ‘Likes’ and ‘Reviews’ section under every listing will be included to maintain the credibility of the promised food items. Users will have to create profiles within the application and create their own listings for leftover food.

The idea will be eventually be scaled up through the development of a mobile application. Additionally, the leftover foods in the app can also eventually be donated to non-profit organizations when enough of a user base has been accrued. The development tools used were HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Vue.js and Vuetify.

Note: the files of two main page (Home and InputFile) on the website are in NoWaste-24Hackathon/src/views.